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Plans for the UT Installation LHCb infrastructure workshop February 19+20 Burkhard Schmidt for the UT group.

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Presentation on theme: "Plans for the UT Installation LHCb infrastructure workshop February 19+20 Burkhard Schmidt for the UT group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plans for the UT Installation LHCb infrastructure workshop February 19+20 Burkhard Schmidt for the UT group

2 Integration and Installation Current Plan: Mount and test the staves with the PEPI electronics on the detector frame/box in the new foreseen surface building (C) at point 8. – no show-stoppers discovered so far; – positive reactions from many sides, including TC. The installation will be done in a way that it is compatible with detector maintenance in the cavern (we don’t want to bring the detector boxes back to the surface for maintenance). Bringing down a full detector-half box implies that part of the infrastructure (such as cable chains, the sides racks on the A-side, etc.) will be installed only after box has been installed. 2

3 3 New Building Projects at Point 8 A B C D A B C New LHCb Control Room ( ~ 220 m 2 ) + Meeting Room (~ 140 m 2 ) + Offices (~ 80 m 2 ) + new LHC Cryogenic Control Room (~ 55 m 2 ) + Technical rooms (~ 120 m 2 ) - 3 floors (lift 5-6 people) New LHCb Storage Hall – 112 m 2 – crane 7.5 t (for replacing 156 building at Meyrin) New LHCb Assembly Hall & Storage - roughly 485 m 2 – crane 30 t (for replacing hall 156) D Location of the future LHCb servers in containers. E.PEREZ-DUENAS & D.LACARRERE 6 June 2013

4 As UT group we should request about 80m 2 of assembly space in this hall. – About half of it should be equipped with a clean room. In addition, space of about 50m 2 needs to be foreseen for a cooling plant, needed to carry our the required detector tests at room temperature (<20 o C). – This might be of interest for other detector groups as well. 4 BUILDINGS LENGTH (m) WIDTH (m) HEIGHT (m) SURFACE (m2) CRANES (t) UNDER HOOK (m) SX8351415490809.60 1565217188842x 3010.40 B1110 1107.58.00 C2321184833011.00 Characteristics of new buildings (compared to the present buildings)

5 UT installation, based on TT layout 2760mm View from the VELO downstream The yellow parts will be re- used for UT (other items only as they seem useful) The sequence would be as follows: 1.Put the infrastructure on the C-side (racks, chain, services etc.) in place 2.Install the C-side detector box 3.Install the A-side detector box 4.Install/connect the infrastructure on the A-side 5.The beam-pipe and the interface to the UT-box should be mounted only at the end A small crane is available in this detector area C-side A-side 5

6 UT assembling on the surface Illustration of the part we want to assemble on the surface (PEPI electronics missing in the sketch) We have to foresee good access to both, the staves and the PEPI electronics Maybe the whole detector-half should be on a table/platform which can be levelled to the right working height (±1m) ~2760mm 1820mm 6

7 UT detector assembling Staves will be transported to CERN in ‘strong-backs’ and remain in them until mounting on the frames. Stave 7 ~1640mm

8 UT detector assembling Detector assembling in a clean room environment on the surface  A detailed analysis of all step needs still to be done; this is just a first trial The following sequence emerged from the present design status: 1.Mont the outer structure and it’s profiles 2.Mount the cooling manifold on the outer structure (decide on location) 3.Mount the frames on a solid plate on top and bottom of the detector box 8

9 UT detector assembling 4.Mount the back-plane for the PEPI and insert the pigtails 5.Mount the a-layers (UTaX and UTaU) from the front, and the b-layers (UTbV and UTbX) from the back 6.Mount first the staves of the U/V layers on the frame, and here first the staves on the frame, then those further away 9 XUVX

10 UT detector assembling 7.It seems we have to connect first the megArray ‘behind’, before mounting the stave. 8.After mounting of a stave, connect it completely, including cooling, PEPI board, and start testing and debugging, before proceeding to the next stave – access problem for back connectors of cooling lines needs to be solved – Obviously, we need an easily dismountable box to carry our the test in a dark end controlled environment. 10

11 Final assembly (without box) 11

12 Conclusions An overall concept for UT detector installation exists. It ensures a save detector assembly in a convenient environment with good access to both staves and electronics, and leaves sufficient time for testing – start of UT assembly on the surface: from autumn 2017 – Detector installation in the cavern : from summer 2019. Obviously, many details have to be sorted out still. 12

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