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Plate Tectonics Ocean Floor Earth Layers Potpourri

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Presentation on theme: "Plate Tectonics Ocean Floor Earth Layers Potpourri"— Presentation transcript:

1 100 200 300 400 500 Plate Tectonics Ocean Floor Earth Layers Potpourri
Boundaries Ocean Floor Earth Layers Potpourri 100 200 300 400 500

2 Plate Tectonics 100 What is the name of the ancient landmass composed of all the continents? PANGAEA BACK

3 Who came up the theory of continental drift?
Plate Tectonics 200 Who came up the theory of continental drift? ALFRED WEGENER BACK

4 What causes the plates to move?
Plate Tectonics 300 What causes the plates to move? CONVECTION CURRENTS IN THE ASTHENOSPHERE BACK

5 Where are Earth’s plates located?
Plate Tectonics 400 Where are Earth’s plates located? LITHOSPHERE BACK

6 What 3 things support the theory of Plate Tectonics?

7 Plates moving away from each other form what type of boundary?
Boundaries 100 Plates moving away from each other form what type of boundary? DIVERGENT BACK

8 Plates moving toward each other form what type of boundary?
Boundaries 200 Plates moving toward each other form what type of boundary? CONVERGENT BACK

9 Plates sliding past each other form what type of boundary?
Boundaries Plates sliding past each other form what type of boundary? TRANSFORM BACK

10 Boundaries 400 What landform is created when two continental plate collide? FOLDED MOUNTAIN BACK

11 When an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate, this occurs.
Boundaries 500 When an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate, this occurs. SUBDUCTION BACK

12 When magma rises up at an opening in the ocean floor, what occurs?

13 What landform is created where there is sea-floor spreading?
Ocean Floor 200 What landform is created where there is sea-floor spreading? MID-OCEAN RIDGE BACK

14 What happens to oceanic crust that is pushed back into the mantle?
Ocean Floor 300 What happens to oceanic crust that is pushed back into the mantle? MAGMA BACK

15 Ocean Floor 400 What landform is created when a oceanic crust subducts below continental crust? DEEP OCEAN TRENCH BACK

16 What type of rock primarily makes up oceanic crust?
Ocean Floor 500 What type of rock primarily makes up oceanic crust? BASALT BACK

17 Earth Layers 100 Name the layers of the earth from the inside out

18 Where is the newest rock on Earth’s crust found?
Earth Layers 200 Where is the newest rock on Earth’s crust found? MID-OCEAN RIDGE BACK

19 What causes convection currents in the mantle to move?
Earth Layers 300 What causes convection currents in the mantle to move? HEAT FROM THE CORE BACK

20 Where is the lithosphere located? CRUST AND TOP LAYER OF THE MANTLE
Earth Layers 400 Where is the lithosphere located? CRUST AND TOP LAYER OF THE MANTLE BACK

21 Earth Layers 500 What direction do convection currents move?

22 As depth below Earth’s surface increases, temperature and pressure
Potpourri 100 As depth below Earth’s surface increases, temperature and pressure INCREASE BACK

23 What is the name of melted rock located under Earth’s crust?
Potpourri 200 What is the name of melted rock located under Earth’s crust? MAGMA BACK

24 What can occur at a transform boundary? EARTHQUAKE, SHEARING, FAULT
Potpourri 300 What can occur at a transform boundary? EARTHQUAKE, SHEARING, FAULT BACK

25 Potpourri 400 Why does oceanic crust sink below continental crust?

26 How far do lithospheric plates move each year?
Potpourri 500 How far do lithospheric plates move each year? 1-10 CM BACK

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