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Objectives of this lesson: understand the connection between geography and settlements explain the 5 themes of geography and be able give examples of each.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives of this lesson: understand the connection between geography and settlements explain the 5 themes of geography and be able give examples of each."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives of this lesson: understand the connection between geography and settlements explain the 5 themes of geography and be able give examples of each.

2 What is Geography? Geography is the study of people, their environments, and their resources. How is geography linked to history? Our environment affects people and events. The geography of the land, its resources and climate all play a role in how people live.

3 Define latitude and longitude. latitude – measures distance north and south of the equator longitude – measures distance east and west of the Prime Meridian

4 What capital city is closest to the following coordinates? 3°N 45°E Mogadishu, Somalia 20°N 105°E Hanoi, Vietnam 10°N 80°E Columbo, Sri Lanka 22°S 17°E Windhoek, Namibia

5 What is the difference between exact (absolute) location and relative location? Location Where in the world are we? exact or absolute 40 N 75 W 201 Main Street relative in relation to another place ex. 20 minutes east of here, in front of the bank

6 PLACE As a group do the following: Read the section PLACE on page 13. -Explain physical and human features of geography and give examples.

7 5 Themes of Geography Place What kind of place is it? Human CharacteristicsPhysical Characteristics

8 What is a natural resource? materials we take from the environment to survive and to satisfy our needs

9 Human interaction with the ENVIRONMENT Read the paragraph on Human- Environment Interaction on page 13. - We interact with the environment in many ways. How do we adapt to the environment? - How do we make the environment adapt to our needs?

10 5 Themes of Geography Human/Environmental Interaction How do humans and the environment affect each other? humans adapt to the environment *wearing clothing that is suitable to the climate *heating and cooling buildings changing the environment to adapt to our needs *irrigation (bringing water to dry land) ex. Hoover Dam

11 Movement As a group, read the paragraph on page 13. - In geography, movement refers to three things. What are they? - Explain how these 3 things move. - Name some products from other countries that we depend on. - What do you think would happen if goods, ideas and people stopped moving?

12 5 Themes of Geography Movement Three things move. What are they? People IdeasGoods

13 Regions As a group, read the paragraph on page 12. Define region. Give some examples of physical regions. Give examples of human or cultural regions.

14 5 Themes of Geography Region What is a region? A region is determined by a certain characteristic. a physical characteristic – Himalayas the Sahara the Great Plains a climate (tropical) human and cultural characteristics – Chinatown in San Francisco government (democracy) language (German) religion (Islam)

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