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2016 CSO System Training & Networking Conference / Copyright © 2016 #csoconf 2016 CSO System Training & Networking Conference / Copyright © 2016 #csoconf.

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Presentation on theme: "2016 CSO System Training & Networking Conference / Copyright © 2016 #csoconf 2016 CSO System Training & Networking Conference / Copyright © 2016 #csoconf."— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 CSO System Training & Networking Conference / Copyright © 2016 #csoconf 2016 CSO System Training & Networking Conference / Copyright © 2016 #csoconf Bryan & Mo Auto uploads and Custom Uploads

2 2016 CSO System Training & Networking Conference / Copyright © 2016 #csoconf What we will cover  Reasons to Automate the process  How the process can help you  Custom student upload process  Preparing the file  Creating the custom upload Project  Performing a test upload  Automating the upload process

3 2016 CSO System Training & Networking Conference / Copyright © 2016 #csoconf Automate the Upload  No more manual uploads  Keeps data up to date  Do you need to clean-up duplicate data  Ensures all new and transfer students have quick access  Allows you to mass email all students from the system  Makes it easier to use other CSO features such as Check-In or Student Authentication

4 2016 CSO System Training & Networking Conference / Copyright © 2016 #csoconf Custom Upload Process Steps  What will be your unique identifier  Choosing your fields/Review Student Profile  Select the fields you wish to import or update  Required fields: (Student ID, Username, Record ID) for new students (Username, password, first and last name)  Other fields: Student Email

5 2016 CSO System Training & Networking Conference / Copyright © 2016 #csoconf Custom upload process cont..  Prepare a test file  We suggest 10 to 15 students or test students  These can be deleted after the test run  Creating the project  Performing the test upload  Checking the results

6 2016 CSO System Training & Networking Conference / Copyright © 2016 #csoconf Let’s Take a Look! Test file example: No need to include: Student Password if you want randomly generate passwords Student Status as this is assigned in the Upload Project Applicant Type/Access Level as this can be defaulted

7 2016 CSO System Training & Networking Conference / Copyright © 2016 #csoconf Adding a New Project Go to Tools > Setup > Uploads > Student Custom Upload Projects

8 2016 CSO System Training & Networking Conference / Copyright © 2016 #csoconf Merge Fields

9 2016 CSO System Training & Networking Conference / Copyright © 2016 #csoconf Existing Projects  Go to Tools > Setup > Uploads > Student Custom Upload Projects  Here you can view existing projects, field mapping and the upload properties

10 2016 CSO System Training & Networking Conference / Copyright © 2016 #csoconf Check the Results!

11 2016 CSO System Training & Networking Conference / Copyright © 2016 #csoconf Everyone Together Now!  Let’s walk thru the process together  Format the file  Create the upload project  Upload the file (or automate)

12 2016 CSO System Training & Networking Conference / Copyright © 2016 #csoconf Automating the upload To Automate your upload you will want to get in touch with your CRM! Why do auto-uploads you ask?

13 2016 CSO System Training & Networking Conference / Copyright © 2016 #csoconf Questions? This is the time to ask away! Thank you!

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