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1a. A literary device is any tecnique. Such as similie or foreshadowing, that a writter might use to effect the reader. 1b. Literary devices is similar.

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Presentation on theme: "1a. A literary device is any tecnique. Such as similie or foreshadowing, that a writter might use to effect the reader. 1b. Literary devices is similar."— Presentation transcript:

1 1a. A literary device is any tecnique. Such as similie or foreshadowing, that a writter might use to effect the reader. 1b. Literary devices is similar to, rhetorical devices. 1a. A literary device is any technique such as simile or foreshadowing that a writer might use to affect the reader. 1b. Literary devices are similar to rhetorical devices.

2 1c. Often times, the writter includes figurtive language. Which is a comparison that is not suppose to be took literal. 1d. Figurtive language includes, Similie, Metafor, Personification, and Hyperbole. 1c- 7 errors 1d- 7 errors 1c. Often, the writer includes figurative language, which is a comparison that is not supposed to be taken literally. 1d. Figurative language includes simile, metaphor, personification, and hyperbole.

3 2a. Imagry, using one of the 5 senses in writting is one of the most common technices for a person to use in their storys. 2b. Sometime imagry is use to enhance the storys setting, which is the place where a story occur. 2a- 7 errors 2b- 5 errors 2a. Imagery, using one of the five senses in writing, is one of the most common techniques for a person to use in his or her stories. 2b. Sometimes imagery is used to enhance the story’s setting, which is the place where a story occurs.

4 2c. There is other major elements of literture, they include Plot, which is the series of events in a story, Symbolism, which is the use of an item that has meaning beyond its self, and Caracter, which is a person in the story. Approx. 7 corrections in total 2c. There are other major elements of literature. They include plot, which is the series of events in a story; symbolism, which is the use of an item that has meaning beyond itself; and character, which is a person in the story.

5 NOTE: The words terminology and indigenous are spelled correctly already. 2d. Political corectness is a refrence to speech that is considered less ofensive then traditional terminology. 2e. Like it is more exceptable to reffer to the indigenous people of america as Amerindians. 2d: Four corrections; 2e: Four corrections 2d. Political correctness is a reference to speech that is considered less offensive than traditional terminology. 2e. For example, it is more acceptable to refer to the indigenous people of America as Amerindians.

6 NOTE: For this warm-up, address both the grammar and style (word choice). In other words, find the words or phrases that seem conversational, rather than formal. Rephrase that portion of the passage. [HINT: The informal portion is all located in the same area.] 2d. Reading thru a story, there is usully a clear order of events, often the events is in chronological order but some times their in a order called stream of conscience. Which is the order that the narrater rembers them in, like when you skip around while telling a story to your friend. 2d. Reading through a story, one usually finds a clear order of events; often the events are in chronological order but sometimes they are [they’re] in an order called stream of consciousness, which is the order in which the narrator remembers them. Stream of consciousness is patterned after the way one might skip around while telling a story to a friend.

7 2e. A societys basic beleifs are showed thru it’s literture, in other words, a cultural group demonstrates it’s values in the storys it tells. 2f. For example, Elie weisel’s belief’s is shown in his autobiography “Night.” 2e. A society’s basic beliefs are shown through its literature; in other words, a cultural group demonstrates its values in the stories it tells. 2f. For example, Elie Weisel’s beliefs are shown in his autobiography Night.

8 2f. A motif, is a color, number, or picture that a author repeats as the plot developes. 2g. Like in the book “Night,” one motif is eyes. Which Wiesel mentioned in alot of diffrent chapters. 2f. A motif is a color, number, or picture that an author repeats as the plot develops. 2g. For example, in the book Night, one motif is eyes, which Wiesel mentions in a lot of different chapters.

9 2k. In Night, the motif of eyes is used to draw atention to the jews feelings. As well as the fact that they is humans, not animals. 2l. A symbol in that book was nite its self, this represented Desperation, and Struggles. 2k. In Night, the motif of eyes is used to draw attention to the Jews’ feelings, as well as the fact that they are humans, not animals. 2l. A symbol in that book is night itself; this represents desperation and struggles.

10 2m. Sanjay was sincerly disappointed that his girlfreind did not rember thier 3 month anniversary. 2n. He soon realized however that he was the one that recalled the date incorectly. 2m. Sanjay was sincerely disappointed that his girlfriend did not remember their three month anniversary. 2n. He soon realized, however, that he was the one who recalled the date incorrectly.

11 2o. If Robbie dosen’t work no harder then he is right now, then he won’t get no diploma. 2p. In the summer, the tempature in a average car can become lethal especialy for small children and animals. 2o. If Robbie doesn’t [does not] work any harder than he is right now, then he won’t [will not] get a diploma. 2p. In the summer, the temperature in an average car can become lethal, especially for small children and animals.

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