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Building Building God’s Kingdom Compass Community Church Principles Of Church Membership.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Building God’s Kingdom Compass Community Church Principles Of Church Membership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Building God’s Kingdom Compass Community Church Principles Of Church Membership

2 The Nature of the Church Determines Its Structure 1. The Church Is A Fellowship - Acts 2:42 A top priority in fellowship is Unity and Harmony Implication: A Good Structure Promotes Unity and Downplays Differences - I Cor. 11:17-18 "Voting" tends to Divide

3 The Nature of the Church Determines Its Structure 2. The Church is A Family - I Peter 3:8 So we operate on the basis of Humility and Love, Not Skills - I Tim. 5:1-2, I Tim. 3:4-5

4 The Nature of the Church Determines Its Structure 3. The Church Is A Body - I Cor. 12:27 We are a Body - not a business We are an organism - not an organization

5 The Nature of the Church Determines Its Structure 3. The Church Is A Body - I Cor. 12:27 Therefore, we function on the Basis of Giftedness - Rom. 12:4-6 In an organization "maintenance" becomes the focus In an organism "ministry" is the focus

6 The Nature of the Church Determines Its Structure 3. The Church Is A Body - I Cor. 12:27 At Compass we have a simple structure so we can maximize Ministry and minimize Division

7 Our Structure The People are the Ministers The Pastors are the Equippers

8 The Nature of the Church Determines Its Structure 4. The Church is a Flock - John 10:1-30 - John 10:1-30 Therefore it is cared for and led by Shepherds - John 21:16-17

9 Three Different Terms 1.Poimen - Shepherd 2.Presbuteros - Elder 3.Episkopos – Overseer - I Peter 5:1-2

10 What it Means to be a Member The difference between attenders and members is: Service

11 Membership Covenant 1.I will protect the unity of my church - Rom. 15:5, 15:19 2. I will share the responsibility of my church - I Thess. 1:2 Rom. 15:7 3. I will serve the ministry of my church - I Peter 4:10, Eph. 4:11-12 4. I will support the testimony of my church - Heb. 10:25, Phil. 1:27, I Cor. 16:2

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