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Day 32 Agenda: 1. Discussion: where does the wood come from? 2. Video: the simple story of photosynthesis and food 3. Photosynthesis notes 4. Begin Foldable:

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Presentation on theme: "Day 32 Agenda: 1. Discussion: where does the wood come from? 2. Video: the simple story of photosynthesis and food 3. Photosynthesis notes 4. Begin Foldable:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 32 Agenda: 1. Discussion: where does the wood come from? 2. Video: the simple story of photosynthesis and food 3. Photosynthesis notes 4. Begin Foldable: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

2 Bell Ringer Day 32 When a tree grows, where do you think it gets the material to make its bark, wood and leaves?

3 An experiment carried out by Jean Baptiste van Helmont (1580- 1644)

4 This is an extract from van Helmont’s diary… “I took an earthenware pot in which I put 200 pounds of earth that had dried in a furnace. I moistened it with rain water and implanted in it a trunk of a willow tree weighing 5 pounds. I planted it in the garden and covered the earth with an iron lid punched with many holes to allow rain water in. At length, after 5 years, the tree did weigh 169 pounds and 3 ounces. I again dried the earth in the vessel and found it weighed almost 200 pounds (less about 2 ounces). Therefore 164 pounds of wood, bark and roots arose out of water only.” What was the change in mass of the tree? What was the change in mass of the soil? What did van Helmont conclude from his experiment? Do you agree with his conclusion? What other explanations could there be for the results he found?

5 van Helmont may not have known about the gases in the air I agree with van Helmont. Only the water could have made this much difference. Some of the tree may have grown from minerals in the soil But I think that plants make their food from sunlight

6 Is water a food source? Would you survive on water alone? Do we know how much water was added to the pot over the five years? What should van Helmont have done if he had wanted to prove that all this increase in mass was from water? What measurements could he have taken? Do you think van Helmont was correct to say that water alone accounted for the growth of the willow tree? Try to summarise your thoughts using some of the points above to support your argument. I agree with van Helmont. Only the water could have made this much difference. CARD 1A Think about water.

7 CARD 1B What is sunlight? Does sunlight have mass? Living things are made of atoms. Are there any atoms in sunlight? Could sunlight contribute to the increase in mass of the plant? Is sunlight needed for plants to grow? What role do you think it might have? Do you think it is correct to say that plants make their food from sunlight? Try to summarise your thoughts using some of the points above to support your argument. But I think that plants make their food from sunlight

8 CARD 1C What is soil made from ? How much did the mass of the soil decrease over the five years? Could this have contributed to the growth of the plant? How much? Can plants grow without soil? Some of the tree may have grown from minerals in the soil

9 Look at the results of the investigation below on mung beans. Mung bean seeds were germinated and grown in two solutions - one containing all the minerals found in soil, one with just water (no minerals) Do you think it is correct to say that some of the tree came from minerals in the soil? How much could the minerals have contributed to growth? Can plants grow without minerals? Do minerals have an effect? Water onlyWater plus minerals

10 CARD 1D What gases are in the air? Do the gases in the air have mass? (If you compare and empty balloon and one filled with air you will soon find out.) How could you show that these gases have an effect on increasing the mass of a plant. van Helmont may not have known about the gases in the air

11 Look at the results of an experiment that examined the growth of plants at three different concentrations of carbon dioxide (ppm =parts per million) What does the data tell you? Can gases in the air affect growth? Which gas is shown to have an effect in these experiments

12 Finally Where does the wood come from? Try to summarise what the experiments of van Helmont and other scientists suggest. What extra information would it be useful to know?

13 Video Questions: 1.On average, what percentage of the food we eat on a daily basis comes from carbohydrates? 2.What are the pores in a plant's skin called? 3.The sun helps plants transform carbon dioxide into a simple carbohydrate called: 4.What's another name for cellulose? 5.Which organelle is ultimately responsible for breaking down carbohydrates into usable energy at the molecular level?

14 Photosynthesis

15 Two ways to get food “troph” = food Autotrophs – Auto = self – Autotrophs make their own food Heterotrophs – Hetero = different – Heterotrophs get their food from something else (they have to eat it)

16 Two ways to get food Autotrophs – Plants Heterotrophs – Animals

17 Photosynthesis

18 Converts the sun’s energy into chemical energy stored in sugar Takes place in specialized structures inside plant cells called chloroplasts – Chlorophyll is the pigment that absorbs sunlight.

19 Photosynthesis Reaction 6CO 2 + 6 H 2 O (+ light energy) → C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 REACTANTSPRODUCTS The food plants make is called glucose (sugar)

20 Photosynthesis 2 different reactions – Light Reactions Capture light energy for photosynthesis Happens in thylakoids – Calvin Cycle Produces glucose sugar Happens in the stroma



23 When a phosphate is removed from ATP, ADP is formed and energy is released. When a phosphate is added to ADP, ATP is formed and energy is stored.

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