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Westward Expansion. Manifest Destiny  U.S.’s destiny was to expand to the Pacific Ocean and into the Mexican territory.

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Presentation on theme: "Westward Expansion. Manifest Destiny  U.S.’s destiny was to expand to the Pacific Ocean and into the Mexican territory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Westward Expansion

2 Manifest Destiny  U.S.’s destiny was to expand to the Pacific Ocean and into the Mexican territory

3 Trails West  Santa Fe Trail: Trading  Oregon Trail: Fertile soil & abundant rainfall

4 Trails West  Mormon Trail  major role in western expansion  thousands traveled west to escape religious persecution  settled Salt Lake Valley


6 Expansion in Texas  Mexico gains independence  Invites US settlers to buffer Native American attacks  Leads to Texas Revolution  “Remember the Alamo”

7 War with Mexico  President James K. Polk issues blockade on Rio Grande  Mexican troops cross river and kill 11 US soldiers  Polk & Congress declare war on Mexico

8 War with Mexico  Republic of California  Further tensions with Mexico

9 War with Mexico  Mexico lacks military leadership  Loses majority of battles  Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo  Mexican cession: CA, NV, UT, NM, AZ, CO, WY


11 Gadsden Purchase  U.S. paid Mexico $10 million  Established the current borders of the lower 48 states

12 California Gold Rush  Gold is discovered in Cal.  Forty-niners: prospectors who flocked to Cal. In 1849  Gold rush brought diversity

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