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1 WELCOME to PIONEER MIDDLE SCHOOL Power Day: Thursday, September 3.

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Presentation on theme: "1 WELCOME to PIONEER MIDDLE SCHOOL Power Day: Thursday, September 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 WELCOME to PIONEER MIDDLE SCHOOL Power Day: Thursday, September 3

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4 4 Pioneer is looking at updating our HAT Policy 4 ● We are going to proceed with a trial period of allowing hats to be worn at school in certain circumstances. ● We will review the impact of allowing hats to be worn over the next few weeks and then decide if this will be a permanent change.

5 5 Why an update on HATS? 5 ● Some work settings allow the wearing of hats (while some do not.) ● Some work settings actually require the wearing of a hat. Thus, it is believed that the wearing of hats at appropriate times may be acceptable.

6 6 Basic Expectations with HATS 6 ● Hats should be worn so that you can see other people and so that others can see you. (Do not pull the hat down to cover your face.) ● Hats are an item of apparel. (They are not a “toy” or “play item” where people grab someone’s hat and play keep away or catch with it.)

7 7 When can HATS be worn? 7 ● Hats may be worn before school, during passing periods, during lunch hour, and after school. ● In each classroom, individual teachers will decide if hats can be worn or not. Students are expected to respectfully comply with each individual teacher’s request.

8 8 While hats are allowed in certain circumstances…. 8 Wearing a hooded sweatshirt with the hood over your head is not allowed at school. Wearing a bandana or “do rag” is still not allowed at school.

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