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Altaisky Biosphere Reserve Two Ethno-Ecological Visitor Centers (in the settlement of Yailu and in the village of Ulagan) were built and are supervised.

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1 Altaisky Biosphere Reserve Two Ethno-Ecological Visitor Centers (in the settlement of Yailu and in the village of Ulagan) were built and are supervised by local communities. “Nature and Children” and “Teletskaya School of Children and Youth Eco-Tourism” are two important programs of the Altaisky BR. They are aimed at involving children and youth in preserving the UNESCO World Natural Heritage and Biosphere Area Sustainable Development. The Booklet “Public Councils: The Role in Conservation and Development of Protected Areas: A Case Study of the Altai-Sayan Eco- Region.” A new structural unit was established: a non-commercial partnership “Lake Teletskoye Council”. Lake protection issues are being solved through collaboration and interaction of the Biosphere Reserve with tourist businesses, local authorities, and NGOs. Various socio-economic development issues are addressed with respect to the local population living near Lake Teletskoye. Badenkov, Yu., Kalmykov, I. & Shigreva, S. (2011). Altaisky Biosphere Reserve: Indigenous and Local People’s Contribution to Conservation and Sustainable Development. In: Biosphere Reserves in the Mountains of the World : Excellence in the Clouds? Austrian MAB Committee (Ed.) Vienna: 70 –72. The paper discusses the current activities of the Altaisky Reserve, the role of the local population in co-management of the Altaisky Biosphere Territory, and participation in the Lake Teletskoye Council. In 2011, a delegation of the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD, Nepal) headed by Director General Dr. Andreas Shild visited the Altaisky Biosphere Reserve. The ICIMOD representatives came to establish cooperation with research and nature conservation organizations in the region. A result of this visit is a Memorandum of Understanding in the spheres of sustainable mountain development and conservation of mountain environments. In 2011, a regional-level Ak-Cholushpa Nature Park was established following the initiative and with the support of the Altaisky BR. The Park’s buffer zone is located in the transition zone of the Altaisky Reserve, where partnership projects on eco-tourism development are implemented. From left to right: Nakul Chetri (Programme Coordinator, ICIMOD), Igor Kalmykov (Director of Altaisky Reserve), Andreas Shild (General Director of ICIMOD), and Yury Badenkov (Project Leader, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Science, UNESCO MAB-6 project in Russia) On March 1, 2013, a hybrid diesel-solar power station of 100 kW was launched in Yailu settlement of Altaisky Biosphere Reserve. Environmental approaches in life-support, alternative ways of energy use (solar panels in all ranger field stations, several wind mills and hydro-stations are installed and functioning) are introduced in the BR and nearby. Environmentally-friendly watercrafts (boats, canoes) are being developed. Snow leopard. Camera-trap photo taken during the snow leopard research and conservation expeditions organized with the support of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Russia, Altaisky Reserve, "Snow Leopard Conservancy", Fund "Panther", and "The Altay Project". Sergei Spitsyn, a senior fellow of the Altai Reserve, in the wake of the snow leopard on a mountaintop. Snow Leopard Study and Conservation Project Expedition, 2010.

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