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RED ROCKS COMMUNITY COLLEGE YEAR IN REVIEW Accomplishments and Achievements 2014-2015 Academic Year.

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Presentation on theme: "RED ROCKS COMMUNITY COLLEGE YEAR IN REVIEW Accomplishments and Achievements 2014-2015 Academic Year."— Presentation transcript:

1 RED ROCKS COMMUNITY COLLEGE YEAR IN REVIEW Accomplishments and Achievements 2014-2015 Academic Year

2 ARVADA EXPANSION RRCC has currently raised $19.85 Million toward the $22.5 Million Expansion of the Arvada campus. Thanks to many generous donations and grants including: YEAR IN REVIEW Accomplishments and Achievements 2014-2015 Academic Year $10 Million State of Colorado $7.5 Million Red Rocks Community College Reserves $1 Million Community First Foundation $1 Million City of Arvada $250,000 RRCC Foundation Board Designated Funds $100,000 Boettcher Foundation Image courtesy of MOA Architecture

3 NSF CHALLENGE FINALISTS A team from Red Rocks Community College was one of 10 finalists in a nation-wide Community College Innovation Challenge (CCIC) hosted by the National Science Foundation. The CCIC is a contest in which community college students were asked to propose innovative science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)-based solutions to perplexing, real-world problems. The RRCC team is building a network-based, mobile medical dispensation device that quickly, accurately, and securely administers medicine. YEAR IN REVIEW Accomplishments and Achievements 2014-2015 Academic Year This device will bring greater accountability to the process of drug tracking within emergency medical disaster relief scenarios.

4 NSF CHALLENGE FINALISTS A team from Red Rocks Community College was one of 10 finalists in a nation-wide Community College Innovation Challenge (CCIC) hosted by the National Science Foundation. The CCIC is a contest in which community college students were asked to propose innovative science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)-based solutions to perplexing, real-world problems. The RRCC team is building a network-based, mobile medical dispensation device that quickly, accurately, and securely administers medicine. YEAR IN REVIEW Accomplishments and Achievements 2014-2015 Academic Year This device will bring greater accountability to the process of drug tracking within emergency medical disaster relief scenarios.

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