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European Seminar in the KSI 25th -27th of May 2016 Milan Tóth Bad Honnef, Germany NKOS May, 26th 2016.

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1 European Seminar in the KSI 25th -27th of May 2016 Milan Tóth Bad Honnef, Germany NKOS May, 26th 2016

2 Illegal migration, return of migrants and trafficking in human beings Slovak Republic in accordance with their international obligations effectively fights against all forms of illegal migration, taking into account human rights aspects associated with this phenomenon. Solving the issues associated with the problem of illegal migration is part of a comprehensive migration policy, that incorporates set of preventive and repressive measures. An important role is played by the fact, to what extent will be created conditions to manage the process of regulation in the field of legal migration. Measures in the fight against illegal migration need to be adopted in cooperation with European Union countries, transit countries and countries of origin.

3 Content of migration policy in the field of illegal migration, return of migrants, and human trafficking is in particular: developing cooperation in order to fight against illegal migration with the countries of the European Union, countries of origin and transit, under the Global Approach to Migration, adoption of legislative, organizational and administrative measures to prevention of illegal migration, control and sanctions imposed in cases of illegal employment of immigrants, taking measures to increase the security protection of documents and introduction of technical means to detect the falsification and counterfeiting, performing security checks of foreigners - applicants for a visa, the verification of the invitation or grant permission to stay.

4 Slovak Republic within the return policy prefers the possibility of carrying out assisted voluntary returns, prior to forced returns. In the practical implementation voluntary returns, government authorities cooperate with non-governmental and international organizations, particularly the International Organization for Migration ("IOM"). An important tool for regulating migration in this area is the readmission agreements, concluded with Slovak Republic with selected countries of transit, respectively origin of migrants. In the fight against illegal migration represent a significant role activities related to the fight against human trafficking and smuggling.

5 Activities in this field are needed targeted on: strengthening the control mechanisms to control the monitoring of employment agencies offering jobs abroad, licensing and regulation of such activities, streamlining the international cooperation of law enforcement by improving cooperation with other national and international institutions in the field of information exchange and processing of requests, increasing general awareness through information campaigns on illegal work, smuggling, human trafficking and about the potential risks of labor migration, reintegration of victims of trafficking into society, in order to minimize the risk of once again become the victim of such crimes, identification of child victims of trafficking, especially of potential child victims of human trafficking in transit

6 Border protection Border protection of the Slovak Republic is conducted in accordance with the Schengen acquis and contains in itself actions to prevent illegally crossing the external land and air borders. Border security must not impede access of authorized persons to existing forms of international protection. Tasks of migration policy related to border protection are in particular: definition of national plans of border control of the Slovak Republic, use of modern technologies that ensure interoperability of systems and enable the effective integrated management of external borders of the European Union, with an emphasis on the introduction of electronic recording of entry and exit, together with simplified procedures for citizens of the European Union and other passengers,

7 implementation and further development of technical support utilized in the control of external land and air borders of the Slovak Republic, strengthening cooperation with other Member States of the European Union in cooperation with the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union ("FRONTEX") in its coordinating role in the management of the external borders of the European Union, and in providing training and equipment personnel who manage migration flows in countries of origin or transit, issuance of biometric visas through the Visa Information System ("VIS") and the strengthening of cooperation between the consular services of the Member States of the European Union, taking measures allowing establishment and implementation of controls on movement of persons at internal borders between Member States of the European Union on the current development situation of migration.

8 European migrant crisis, situation is Slovakia Voluntary adoption of Assyrian refugees In December 2015 a plane with a group of 149 Assyrian Christians - 25 families from territory of northern Iraq landed at the airport in Kosice. Adoption was part of a voluntary contribution of Slovak Republic to tackling migration crisis. A group of Iraq refugees, who have fled from their homes before an Islamic state, was transferred to the Interior Ministry asylum facility in the city Humenne. The Interior Ministry of Slovak Republic stated, that move of refugees to Slovakia was rescue mission. If they would not escape from their houses before Islamic extremists probably would be dead. Before departure from Iraq, 15 months they lived in a monastery, where they started to learn Slovak language thanks to help civil association "Pokoj a dobro" (Peace and good).

9 "This is currently only one group that is coming to Slovakia and other groups are elaborated in Poland and the Czech Republic. Currently, it's our only capacity, which we can provide for the successful integration of these people," stated Interior Ministry of the Slovak Republic.

10 Refugees were during three weeks in quarantine, which includes medical examinations and other mandatory processes. After the quarantine they have free moving. Standard integration process for asylum seekers in Slovak Republic takes from the six months to two years. „At first we need to teach the refugees Slovak language, it is necessary for their successful integration into our society,“ said the ministry. " In the group are educated people, depending on their profession we will try to find the job for them. “ "In cooperation with church, civil associations, as well with volunteers who joined to us, we will place them where they will not in any way disturb the Slovak society, and where the people want to take them,“ said the ministry.

11 21 Iraqis decided to return home

12 After six months, more than two dozen groups of refugees from 149 Assyrian Christians gone back to home. The reason was their homesickness. "A group of 21 Iraqis decided to return home. The reason for their return is not dissatisfaction with the Slovak approach, but the fact that they were unable to cope with homesickness. The older people had the biggest problem with homesickness and some members of their family follow them back to home. This was the reason why they had problem with integration to society in Slovakia, " informed ministry. The remaining members of the group continue with integration, on which also cooperate the church and civil society. Children attend Slovak school and every one of adults can learn Slovak language.

13 Attitude of Slovak Republic to mandatory quotas for refugees Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic refused mandatory refugees quotas. According to ministry, it needs to realize, that in the case of refugees will not go on the final numbers, because their family members will follow them. Then Slovak Republic will need to take care also about them. This is not only about the family reunification for refugees, on which would they have be entitled. „We do not know the background of these people, whether in terms of their education, cultural habits and traditions, security aspects, and so on. We do not know whether, they are able to integrate into our society and find a job. There exist many questions of political as well as technical nature that need to be clarified, “ said the ministry.

14 Ministry also pointed out: that once a mechanism will be implemented, quotas may raise practically unlimited. About the future of refugees, which would stay live in Slovakia, ministry said: "It is also very important to realize, that since it will be a people who would be here and remain permanently, they should settle, integrate, find work, they will not be able to stay live in refugee camps. After proper completion of the asylum procedure, we will need to secure for them permanent housing. "

15 Legal action of Slovak Republic Prime Minister of Slovak Republic Mr. Robert Fico informed, that 2.12. 2015 Slovak Republic officially submitted to the court in Luxembourg litigation for mandatory quotas of refugees. "Serve lawsuit against the Council of the European Union by virtue of the decision of the interior ministers in September 2015 for mandatory quota, which were adopted by majority vote, despite opposition from some EU member states, "explained Prime Minister Mr. Fico. Against quotas were in addition to Slovakia also Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania. Finally only Slovakia bring an action, but Hungary also consider same step. Interior ministers EU states voted in September 2015 for reallocation the 120-thousand refugees from Italy and Greece. For Slovakia it means 802 refugees.

16 According our litigation is their decision in violation of the results of the summit of EU presidents and prime ministers (in June 2015), where was noted, that mandatory quotas will not be taken. Slovakia calls into question the way, how the ministers decided. According the Prime Minister Mr. Fico, ministers should vote unanimously, and not based on the majority. In our litigation we also request, that the Council of EU will pay the costs. Prime Minister Mr. Fico is not worry about the lost. We bring the action due to we have the right. Today reality showed to us, that we have right. Practice shows, that quotas are a fiasco, pointed Mr. Fico to the fact, that according to agreed rules, were redistributed only a few hundred people.

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