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NHS Listens: Feedback Summary. NHS Listens: The Event Held on Wednesday 12 June 2013 Held at Clarendon Suites Part of the BSC Engagement Journey Over.

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Presentation on theme: "NHS Listens: Feedback Summary. NHS Listens: The Event Held on Wednesday 12 June 2013 Held at Clarendon Suites Part of the BSC Engagement Journey Over."— Presentation transcript:

1 NHS Listens: Feedback Summary

2 NHS Listens: The Event Held on Wednesday 12 June 2013 Held at Clarendon Suites Part of the BSC Engagement Journey Over 80 people attended –Patients –The general public –Third sector organisations –Voluntary groups –Healthcare providers

3 NHS Listens: Promotion The event was advertised through: –Our website –GP practices –Provider organisations –Third sector Organisations –Social Media –Shopping Centres –Street promotion

4 NHS Listens: Features Launched our Patient Prospectus Reflect local health and wellbeing strategy Agreed with your Health and Wellbeing Board; Sharing key health priorities for population; Describe standards to expect from services Description of budget for services Demonstrate how work in partnership to address health inequalities;

5 Voice of the people... “If I had a problem then I would be able to give my opinion but not sure how far this would go” “Surveys are good for people who don’t like speaking out in public and patients groups are good for people who are more outspoken” “The NHS throws medication at problems instead of looking in to it further” “In the NHS money is spent in the wrong places too many managers who don’t know what is happening on the frontline. Not enough nurses-they are spread too thinly” “If I had an opinion nothing would happen or it wouldn’t be heard” “The current structure needs to be reviewed, service are better when good systems/structures are in place”

6 NHS Listens: Table Activities Delegates have their say on... 1.Obtaining your views  What does engagement mean to you? 2.Engaging with you  Tell us ‘what other things can we do to engage with you’ 3.Maintaining your involvement  What can we do to keep you engaged?

7 NHS Listens: Table Activities Feedback: WHERE; WHAT; HOW

8 NHS Listens: Evaluation + Feedback What our delegates said Of those who attended 43 people completed an evaluation form Many responses were ranked from 1-5 (1 being poor and 5 being excellent!) The following slides capture what was fed back.... Where our audience came from... (representation of the public from...) Central Birmingham; Hall Green; Kings Heath; Edgbaston; Harborne; Winson Green; Lozells; Selly Park; Bournville; Stirchley; Kings Norton; Longbridge; Bromsgrove

9 NHS Listens: Evaluation + Feedback





14 Q: What did you like best about the event? Engagement team energy with questions - Good mixture of delegates, staff and public - Dialogue with the other delegates - Meeting people i.e. PPG with same ideas - Information about the CCG's - Enthusiasm of staff - Direction of CCG and approach - Sincerity of commitment to involve patients - Table discussions - Very informal and engaging, handouts were very good - Opportunity to network - way for people to complain if they have a NHS Problem – Good mixture of speakers - Presentations and Q & A - Learning about Plans/Hopes - Meeting a wide range of people - Declaration of commitment by Andrew Coward - Chance to see there is hope beyond 1 st April - BSC staff very interesting and engaged - Good opportunity for patients to have their say - Ability to truly express opinions - Friendliness – The food - The location - Topic and information - Cross section of the population public and NHS and social sector people - Group work

15 NHS Listens: Evaluation + Feedback Q : Further comments/suggestions for future events? Allow more time for people to talk & ask questions; Really like your ideas for future; Information on basic NHS including differences in primary & secondary care; Information on mental health including prevention; Healthwatch is something I had never heard of would like to engage, very interesting; We need to use other events where people are at - e.g. college open days, fairs, school fairs, market etc; More frequent events please; Some GP's are hostile to the suggestion of having a PPG in their GP Practices; Need to discuss how we patients hold the CCG to account; Wider promotion please to get more people engaged; I've heard nothing new about engagement, these ideas have been around for decades, just updated by technology; Would like to be at an event when engagement has further progressed and improvement results to be seen; More opportunity to hear voices of patients; Food taken away to early, late arrives didn't eat; An event like this in each of the 5 network localities.

16 Next: What we will do differently Reach out to our 250,000 strong population Work forensically to reach all demographics, connecting with all communities Take conversations about healthcare issues to places where you are having them In the meantime stay in touch: Connect with us Connect Read our blogsour blogs Follow us on TwitterTwitter Watch out for the Big Social Conversation coming to you soon

17 Thank you

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