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© 2012 Laura Portolese Dias, published by Flat World Knowledge Human Relations By Laura Portolese Dias 1.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2012 Laura Portolese Dias, published by Flat World Knowledge Human Relations By Laura Portolese Dias 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2012 Laura Portolese Dias, published by Flat World Knowledge Human Relations By Laura Portolese Dias 1

2 © 2012 Laura Portolese Dias, published by Flat World Knowledge This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit sa/3.0/or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA 2

3 © 2012 Laura Portolese Dias, published by Flat World Knowledge Chapter 10 Manage Diversity at Work 3

4 © 2012 Laura Portolese Dias, published by Flat World Knowledge Learning Objectives 1. Define, explain, and identify your own power and privilege. 2. Provide reasoning as to why diversity is important to maintain good human relations skills. 4

5 © 2012 Laura Portolese Dias, published by Flat World Knowledge Diversity and Multiculturalism Difference between multiculturalism and diversity Diversity – Differences between people such as race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, background and socioeconomic status – Focus is more on legal compliance and policies 5

6 © 2012 Laura Portolese Dias, published by Flat World Knowledge Diversity and Multiculturalism Multiculturalism – Goes deeper than diversity – Focuses on inclusiveness, understanding, and respect – Looks at unequal power in society – Looks at systems of advantage based on race, gender, and orientation, called Power and Privilege 6

7 © 2012 Laura Portolese Dias, published by Flat World Knowledge Diversity and Multiculturalism Challenges with diversity in the workplace – Diversity is not well-defined or understood – Focuses too much on compliance – Places too much emphasis on gender and ethnicity 7

8 © 2012 Laura Portolese Dias, published by Flat World Knowledge Power and Privilege Invisible privilege – The power and privilege one has and may not recognize – Examples: Race privilege. Let’s say you (a Caucasian) and your friend (an African American) are having dinner together, and when the bill comes, the server gives the check to you. While this may not seem like a big issue, it assumes you (being Caucasian) are paying for the meal. 8

9 © 2012 Laura Portolese Dias, published by Flat World Knowledge Power and Privilege Invisible privilege examples – Social class privilege. When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, many people from outside the storm area wondered why so many people stayed in the city, not even thinking that some people couldn’t afford the gas to put in their car to leave the city. – Gender privilege. Assumption that a female will change her name to her husband’s when they get married. – Sexual orientation privilege. If I am heterosexual, I can put a picture of my partner on my desk without worrying about what others think. I can talk about our vacations or experiences without worrying what someone might think about my relationship. This is not the case for many gay, lesbian, and transgendered people and their partners. 9

10 © 2012 Laura Portolese Dias, published by Flat World Knowledge Power and Privilege Invisible privilege – Can be hard to recognize – Understanding our own stereotypes – Understanding the struggles of others – Understanding systems of advantages can help us become better co-workers 10

11 © 2012 Laura Portolese Dias, published by Flat World Knowledge Power and Privilege Why Diversity and Multiculturalism? – It’s the law – Better serve customers – Better communicate – We create better solutions and ideas – Studies have shown that companies with more diversity report higher sales revenues 11

12 © 2012 Laura Portolese Dias, published by Flat World Knowledge Learning Objectives 1. Define the role of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). 2. Explain the various types of laws covered by the EEOC. 12

13 © 2012 Laura Portolese Dias, published by Flat World Knowledge Multiculturalism and the Law EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) – Title VII of the Civil Rights Act – Age – Disability – Equal Pay 13

14 © 2012 Laura Portolese Dias, published by Flat World Knowledge Multiculturalism and the Law EEOC – Genetic Information – National Origin – Pregnancy – Race/color 14

15 © 2012 Laura Portolese Dias, published by Flat World Knowledge Multiculturalism and the Law EEOC – Religion – Sex and sexual harassment – Retaliation – Military service 15

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