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DAILY WRITING PROMPTS (DWPs) Excerpts from 642 Things to Write About By The San Francisco Writers’ Grotto.

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Presentation on theme: "DAILY WRITING PROMPTS (DWPs) Excerpts from 642 Things to Write About By The San Francisco Writers’ Grotto."— Presentation transcript:

1 DAILY WRITING PROMPTS (DWPs) Excerpts from 642 Things to Write About By The San Francisco Writers’ Grotto

2 DWP #1 1/6/16 What can happen in a second?

3 DWP #2 1/7/16 A houseplant is dying. Tell it why it needs to live.

4 Freestyle Friday (FSF) 1/8/16 Write about anything you want for Freestyle Friday. Your response must be at least 5 sentences (or thoughts) long. The format of your response is up to you (poem, rhyme/rap, bullet list, hashtag,etc).

5 DWP #3 1/11/16 Write your senior yearbook quote. (For this free write you only write one complete sentence that your classmates will forever remember you by).

6 DWP #4 1/12/16 You are an astronaut. Describe your perfect day.

7 DWP #5 1/13/15 Tell a story that begins with a ransom note.

8 DWP #6 1/19/16 Something you had that was stolen.

9 DWP #7 1/20/16 The long-lost roommate…

10 DWP #8 1/21/16 What a character holding a blue object is thinking right now…

11 FSF 1/22/16 Write about anything you want for Freestyle Friday. Your response must be at least 5 sentences (or thoughts) long. The format of your response is up to you (poem, rhyme/rap, bullet list, hashtag,etc

12 DWP #9 1/25/16 You are a superhero. What powers do you have and how do you use them

13 DWP #10 1/26/16 Tell a complete stranger about a beloved family tradition.

14 DWP #11 1/27/16 (you do not have to write this prompt) Pick a small object to be given one day to your great-grandchild. Write a letter to that child explaining why you have chosen this object

15 DWP #12 1/28/16 (you do not have to write the prompt) Describe yourself in the third person—your physical appearance and personality—as though you were a character in a book.

16 FSF – 1/29/16 Write about anything you want for Freestyle Friday. Your response must be at least 5 sentences (or thoughts) long. The format of your response is up to you (poem, rhyme/rap, bullet list, hashtag,etc

17 DWP #13 2/1/16 Describe something you wanted badly and, once you got it, never used.

18 DWP #14 2/2/16 Describe an electronic device in the future that you won’t know how to operate.

19 DWP #15 2/3/16 A storm destroys your uncle’s shed and kills his six-year-old son. Describe the color of the sky right before the storm hit. (Only write the underlined portion of the prompt)

20 DWP #16 2/8/16 Write a story that is set in Argentina in 1932, in which a teacup plays a crucial role.

21 DWP #17 2/9/16 Describe the most recent moment when you couldn’t think of anything to say.

22 DWP #18 2/10/16 What can happen to you in high school that can alter the course of your life?

23 DWP #19 – 2/11/16 Put two people who hate each other in an elevator together for twelve hours. What happens?


25 DWP #20 2/23/16 A man jumps from the fortieth story of a building. As he’s passing the twenty-eighth floor, he hears a phone ring and regrets that he jumped. Why?

26 NO DWP 2/24/16

27 DWP #21 2/25/16 Write a recipe for disaster

28 FSF 2/26/15 Write about anything you want for Freestyle Friday. Your response must be at least 5 sentences (or thoughts) long. The format of your response is up to you (poem, rhyme/rap, bullet list, hashtag,etc

29 DWP #22 2/29/16 Tell the true story of a dramatic moment of your life, but weave in one secret and one lie.

30 DWP #23 3/1/16 How you feel about love these days…

31 DWP #24 3/2/16 If you had one week to live…

32 DWP #25 3/3/16 The next major medicine that will be invented and what will happen as a result of it.

33 FSF 3/4/16 Write about anything you want for Freestyle Friday. Your response must be at least 5 sentences (or thoughts) long. The format of your response is up to you (poem, rhyme/rap, bullet list, hashtag,etc

34 DWP #26 3/7/16 Something you’ve always regretted saying…

35 DWP #27 3/8/16 The thoughts of the first man on earth to eat an oyster.

36 DWP #28 3/9/16 The time you were most terrified—your knees were knocking, your heart was racing, you could hardly stand to be in your own skin.

37 DWP #29 3/10/16 The difference between the first death you remember and the most recent one…

38 FSF 3/11/16 Write about anything you want for Freestyle Friday. Your response must be at least 5 sentences (or thoughts) long. The format of your response is up to you (poem, rhyme/rap, bullet list, hashtag,etc

39 DWP #30 3/15/16 Your city one hundred years from now

40 NO DWP TODAY 3/16/16

41 NO DWP TODAY 3/17/16

42 DWP #31 3/18/16 Write a short story in which you are the villain.

43 DWP #32 A bad situation that turned out for the best…

44 DWP #33 3/22/16 Finding a bag of cash…

45 NO DWP 3/23, 3/24 OR 3/25

46 DWP #34 3/28/16 Thoughts on your favorite pet’s personality

47 No DWP 3/29/16 & 3/30/16

48 DWP #35 3/31/16 The worst thing that could happen

49 NO DWP 4/1/16

50 DWP #36 4/11/16 The best thing that could happen

51 DWP #37 4/12/16 A man giving a speech to a crowd of thousands is suddenly caught in a bold- faced lie.

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