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B factories The collaboration aspects Guy Wormser LAL Orsay CNRS/IN2P3 and Université Paris Sud.

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Presentation on theme: "B factories The collaboration aspects Guy Wormser LAL Orsay CNRS/IN2P3 and Université Paris Sud."— Presentation transcript:

1 B factories The collaboration aspects Guy Wormser LAL Orsay CNRS/IN2P3 and Université Paris Sud

2 The collaboration aspects On the machines On the physics extraction On data preservation Towards the future

3 Collaboration on the machine Joint effort on difficulties found on the way –Electron cloud mitigation –Background remediation and modelling Cross examination Lots of informal discussion and various visits

4 Collaboration on the physics Avoided during the race for physics results in order to preserve independance Now taking place for Legacy and Preservation Data preservation now a ICFA subpanel. Dual role : –Preserve data for future use –Allow production of joint BABAR-BELLE results





9 Collaboration towards the future Clearly, each SuperB project is trying to get afunding from its funding gencies and governement but a lot of communications is taking place : –Regular cross-participation at each other meeting –Frequent face-to-face meetings and visits Important to keep all options open at that stage Common R&D using other projects : ILC –Electron cloud issues, beam dynamics,… Detector R&D, France-Japan LIA, physics workshops

10 Conclusion Even at the peak of the competition during teh two B factories, collaboration always played an important role, especially for solving common machine issues Now, intense collaboration for data preservation and legacy, joint data analysis contemplated Contacts are kept between the two SuperB projects, during their parallel review for funding by their respective authorities

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