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Warm-up 8/5 1.I’m young, but I understand every aspect in the government, which is why I got the internship with the governor. a.No change b.the government.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up 8/5 1.I’m young, but I understand every aspect in the government, which is why I got the internship with the governor. a.No change b.the government."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up 8/5 1.I’m young, but I understand every aspect in the government, which is why I got the internship with the governor. a.No change b.the government offers c.of the government d.for the government 2. Rewrite the sentence to remove the RIP word.

2 Back to rhetorical analysis! Finish RA questions on Smith with group Discuss as a class Complete RA questions individually for Winthrop Learning goal check and reflection

3 Learning goal check! How to fill out chart Reflection- on your warm up sheet: Think back on the lessons and activities of this week and on your learning goals for the quarter. What helped you progress in your learning? What didn’t? 1 paragraph please.

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