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How diet can reduce the risk of cancer World Cancer Research Fund Report, 2007 Prepared by Sibilla Johnson, B.Sc. Nutrition.

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Presentation on theme: "How diet can reduce the risk of cancer World Cancer Research Fund Report, 2007 Prepared by Sibilla Johnson, B.Sc. Nutrition."— Presentation transcript:

1 How diet can reduce the risk of cancer World Cancer Research Fund Report, 2007 Prepared by Sibilla Johnson, B.Sc. Nutrition

2 World Cancer Research Fund Established in the early 1980’s, a global charity, dedicated to the prevention of cancer worldwide The latest report, released late 2007 shows strong scientific evidence that cancer can be prevented in many cases

3 A new report gives us some valuable information on things we can do ourselves to limit our risk of developing the disease

4 This latest report is the largest and most comprehensive inquiry ever conducted into lifestyle habits and cancer risk to date.

5 The WCRF Vision States: “We help people make choices that reduce their chances of developing cancer ” Three general guidelines have been provided to make recommendations easier to follow

6 Food, Physical Activity, and Weight play a central part in reducing the risk of cancer

7 The bonus is that these guidelines will also lessen our chances of developing other chronic diseases.

8 1. Choose mostly plant foods, limit red meat and avoid processed meat. Sanitarium Nutrition Service Eating more plant foods protects against cancers of the mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, lung, prostate and colon/rectum Ref: American Institute for Cancer Research

9 Digestive Tract Cancers of the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, bowel and rectum are strongly influenced by what we eat and drink.

10 Whole grains They contain a powerful combination of naturally occurring nutrients and phytochemicals and should be included in our meals every day. Rice, Cereals, Bread,

11 Legumes They provide valuable plant protein, free of cholesterol, outstanding source of fibre and many unique phyto-nutrients

12 A Startling Fact From This Report..... After careful analysis of the scientific facts, the Report states there is now convincing evidence that red meat (beef, lamb and pork) increases our risk of developing colorectal (bowel) cancer

13 The Report goes on to say.... Risk is even higher for those who consume processed meats. There is already evidence that those who avoid meat altogether are healthier, have a lower risk of chronic diseases, including cancer *

14 2. Be Physically Active 30 Minutes a Day (or more) Physical activity protects against cancers, specifically colon, and breast cancer

15 Physical Activity reduces levels of hormones that Increases the risk for these types of cancers. Activity also exercises the gut, moving body waste and toxins through more rapidly

16 It is important to be moderately active for at least 30 minutes every day – The evidence is very clear that this amount of activity can greatly protect you! *

17 3. Aim To Be a Healthy Weight Throughout Your Life Alarmingly, the rates of overweight and obesity have doubled in the last 15 years

18 Maintenance of a healthy weight may be the single most important way to protect ourselves against cancer and other chronic diseases

19 Fortunately everything we have discussed....... Increasing our intake of plant foods The importance of exercise Fits neatly with the goals for maintaining a healthy weight *

20 Choose plenty of colourful and minimally processed plant foods Limit your meat intake and avoid processed meats

21 Three Keys of Nutrition Balance Variety Moderation

22 Exercise daily, maintain a healthy weight, and you will go a long way to improving your chances of enjoying a long and healthy life!

23 For further reading.... 1.World Cancer Research Fund International – 2. The American Institute for Cancer Research –


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