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Using Assistants in Dysphagia Hannah Crawford Julie Bake Jane Slater.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Assistants in Dysphagia Hannah Crawford Julie Bake Jane Slater."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Assistants in Dysphagia Hannah Crawford Julie Bake Jane Slater

2 Rationale Valued and experienced members of the team Working with proxies New ways of working Efficient caseload management


4 Competency development From ‘Awareness’ to ‘Foundation’ level Developed list of roles & competencies Developed training opportunities for the SLTAs Support and supervision crucial


6 My journey as an SLTA Well established member of the SLT team Previous experience Progression to working with dysphagia clients

7 My ‘Dysphagia’ journey Shadowing Role Plays (dysphagia screening) Attending dysphagia awareness Discussion in Supervision Dysphagia Peer Supervisions Checking back & scope of practice Dysphagia training

8 SLT TI (Dysphagia) Associate Practitioner for Nutrition/Dysphagia NPSA formats Personalised mealmats Supporting SLT’s Supporting other assistants – assistants meetings Case work




12 Tasters Role is unique and useful. Provide extra time and give regular input. Train staff in implementing (many staff!!) Build relationships - client, carers, MDT’s. Generalise the interventions (put the meat on the bones!!)

13 Roles and Responsibilities Discussion, monitoring and negotiation via: One-to-one supervision Group peer supervision Including: Case discussion and case review Skills development Critical appraisal and developing evidence base

14 Knowledge and Skills Development Training: ‘In-house’ External, SIGs, Courses Developing ‘tools’ such as: Initial screening form Observation/ monitoring sheet

15 Screening Tool

16 Observation and Monitoring Tool

17 Review, Evaluation and Development SLT / TI MDT Day centre, care homes Service users and carers/ families

18 Thank you Any questions?

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