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Module name & code Evaluation survey. How to use Zappers A 60-second training course. You will be using the handsets to give your feedback on the module.

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Presentation on theme: "Module name & code Evaluation survey. How to use Zappers A 60-second training course. You will be using the handsets to give your feedback on the module."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module name & code Evaluation survey

2 How to use Zappers A 60-second training course. You will be using the handsets to give your feedback on the module evaluation questions



5 A question to test your zapper What did you drink with your breakfast this morning? Remember to check that the light flashes green when you vote! 1.What’s breakfast? 2.Coffee 3.Tea 4.Fruit Juice 5.Water 6.Nothing 7.Other

6 Start of evaluation survey  Your answers are anonymous: we don’t know who has which zapper!  It should take about 10 minutes to complete the survey  You won’t see the results on-screen  You have 15 seconds to answer each question

7 Module Content 5 questions

8 The prior knowledge assumed was… 1.Too high 2.High 3.About right 4.Low 5.Too low Countdown 15

9 The amount of material covered in the module was… 1.Too much 2.High 3.About right 4.Low 5.Too little Countdown 15

10 The degree of difficulty in the module was… 1.Too difficult 2.Difficult 3.About right 4.Easy 5.Too easy Countdown 15

11 Was there a coherent progression of the module from beginning to end? 1.No, rarely 2.Not often 3.Sometimes 4.Usually 5.Yes, always Countdown 15

12 Was the content inclusive in terms of the language used and examples given? 1.No, rarely 2.Not often 3.Sometimes 4.Usually 5.Yes, always Countdown 15

13 Module Organisation 4 questions

14 The quality of the module outline (the document detailing the module’s aims, content, organisation, assignments, reading, assessments etc.) was… 1.Very good 2.Good 3.Acceptable 4.Poor 5.Very poor Countdown 15

15 The statement of learning outcomes was… 1.Very clear 2.Clear 3.Acceptable 4.Unclear 5.Very vague Countdown 15

16 The module expectations (i.e. what was expected of you) were… 1.Very clear 2.Clear 3.Acceptable 4.Unclear 5.Very vague Countdown 15

17 The organisation of the module activities (lectures, seminars etc.) was… 1.Very good 2.Good 3.Acceptable 4.Poor 5.Very poor Countdown 15

18 Teaching and Learning Support 7 questions

19 The helpfulness of the teaching staff was… 1.Very good 2.Good 3.Acceptable 4.Poor 5.Very poor Countdown 15

20 Staff awareness of my own special needs was… 1.Very good 2.Good 3.Acceptable 4.Poor 5.Very poor 6.Not applicable Countdown 15

21 The availability and accessibility of module material (e.g. handouts, web pages etc.) was… 1.Very good 2.Good 3.Acceptable 4.Poor 5.Very poor Countdown 15

22 The usefulness of support materials was… 1.Very good 2.Good 3.Acceptable 4.Poor 5.Very poor Countdown 15

23 The feedback on my progression was… 1.Very good 2.Good 3.Acceptable 4.Poor 5.Very poor Countdown 15

24 The clarity of presentation was… 1.Very good 2.Good 3.Acceptable 4.Poor 5.Very poor Countdown 15

25 My interest in the subject as a result of the module has… 1.Significantly increased 2.Increased 3.Stayed the same 4.Decreased 5.Significantly decreased Countdown 15

26 Overall Evaluation 4 questions

27 Overall, my rating of the module content is… 1.Very good 2.Good 3.Acceptable 4.Poor 5.Very poor Countdown 15

28 Overall, my rating of the module organisation is… 1.Very good 2.Good 3.Acceptable 4.Poor 5.Very poor Countdown 15

29 Overall, my rating of the quality of teaching is… 1.Very good 2.Good 3.Acceptable 4.Poor 5.Very poor Countdown 15

30 Overall, my rating of the module is… 1.Very good 2.Good 3.Acceptable 4.Poor 5.Very poor Countdown 15

31 Lecturer Evaluation

32 Overall, my rating of Lecturer_A_name is… 1.Very good 2.Good 3.Acceptable 4.Poor 5.Very poor Countdown 15

33 Overall, my rating of Lecturer_B_name is… 1.Very good 2.Good 3.Acceptable 4.Poor 5.Very poor Countdown 15

34 Overall, my rating of Lecturer_C_name is… 1.Very good 2.Good 3.Acceptable 4.Poor 5.Very poor Countdown 15

35 Overall, my rating of Lecturer_D_name is… 1.Very good 2.Good 3.Acceptable 4.Poor 5.Very poor Countdown 15

36 About You In order that we can understand how students' experiences may differ between different groups, we would be grateful if you could provide us with the following information about yourself. However, there is no requirement to answer them if you do not wish to do so.

37 Are you male or female? 1.Male 2.Female Countdown 10

38 How would you describe your ethnic origin? 1.White 2.Black 3.Asian 4.Other Countdown 10

39 Were you over 21 when you started your degree? 1.Yes 2.No Countdown 10

40 Do you have a specific learning difficulty, such as dyslexia? 1.Yes 2.No Countdown 10

41 Do you have a disability or medical condition which might affect your experience as a student? 1.Yes 2.No Countdown 10

42 If yes, have you disclosed the disability or medical condition to the University? 1.Yes 2.No Countdown 10

43 One final question

44 Thank you for taking part in this initiative. What do you think about giving your evaluation feedback using zappers? 1.I really prefer zappers 2.Better than a paper form 3.No strong opinion 4.Prefer a paper form 5.I really don’t like this Countdown 15

45 Thank You Please return your zapper handset to the tutor at the end of the lecture.

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