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September 26.   August 10 1998, 1:08pm St. Catharine's General Hospital  Margery Street until 2002  Moved to Bogart Street before little sister was.

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Presentation on theme: "September 26.   August 10 1998, 1:08pm St. Catharine's General Hospital  Margery Street until 2002  Moved to Bogart Street before little sister was."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 26

2   August 10 1998, 1:08pm St. Catharine's General Hospital  Margery Street until 2002  Moved to Bogart Street before little sister was born  Port Weller: kinder garden to grade 8  Started horse back riding in grade 4  Started dance in grade 7  Graduated Port Weller  1# song: Iris  Back ground: Native American, Scottish Childhood

3 Family o Mom, Dad, Heather o Cousins Cassandra Sabrina and Alisha o Suzie, Fluffy, Puddles o Mom’s side: 4 aunts, 11 cousins o Dad’s side: 3 aunts, 1 uncle, 5 cousins

4  Best Friends  Most of my best friends are from Port Weller, I’ve known them my whole life. Everyone from that school are very close friends  There’s also my friends from Camp, they are the most fun people to be around PORT WELLER KIDS AT CHRISTMAS Abby, Syd, Shyla, Jes, and I at halloween

5  Work and Leisure (:  Sunrise Café  Dream catchers  Writing  Dance  Horse back riding  Reading  Zodiac signs

6   Lions  Horses  Autumn (halloween)  Music  Funny people  People who feed me  Sweatpants  Tea and Apple Cider  Books  Pretty Little Liars Favourite Things

7 Horses I’ve been riding since 4 th grade, When I started at Camberwell stables, I didn’t compete other then schooling shows and camp shows, but I love being around horses. In late grade 7 I stopped riding year round, But after this year I’m going back to Camberwell to start training for my licence as a councillor at Kemur Camp.

8  Dance Dance Designs:  Grade 7- Jazz  Grade 8- Jazz, Ballet, production  Grade 9- Jazz, Ballet Every year we have our end of the year recital here at Simcoe!

9 Port Weller Port Weller was my old school and I went there all my life, my little sister is in grade 4, and I still visit after school all the time. At graduation I was valedictorian with Abby Ryding I also won the arts award (: Grade 8 was the best

10  This is who I am! I’m Shania. I grew up in St. Catharine’s, My family and friends are the most important thing in the world to me, I love to read and write, listen to music. and make things. I have rode horses for 4 years, and this is my 3 rd year of dance. My old school Port Weller was my home, and the last two years were the best years of my life. That’s Me! Shania Thompson

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