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MICROORGANISMS: Bacteria. DOMAINS Tree of Life: Universal ancestor led to 3 Domains.

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3 Tree of Life: Universal ancestor led to 3 Domains

4 Bacteria and Archaea are two types of Prokaryotes All are all single- celled & microscopic Unique Domains From Eukaryota Syntrophic organisms (feeding together) Archaea in the picture in red, sulfate reducing Bacteria in green.

5 What are the smallest living things? Bacteria How small are they?.2 micrometers in diameter


7 Bacteria are classified by shape

8 Spiral Shaped Spirilla or Spirochete Spirochete or Spirilla


10 Bacteria arrrangements

11 Bacteria are named by how they stain purple/blue pink

12 Gram staining is an empirical method of differentiating bacterial species into two large groups (Gram-positive and Gram-negative) based on the chemical and physical properties of their cell walls. Bacteria have a cell wall made up of peptidoglycan. Gram-positive bacteria have a thick mesh-like cell wall; gram-negative bacteria have a thin cell wall and an outer phospholipid bilayer membrane.



15 The cells with a thick cell wall appear blue (gram positive) as crystal violet is retained within the cells, and so the red dye cannot be seen. Those cells with a thin cell wall, and therefore decolorized, appear red (gram negative).

16 Bacteria reproduce by binary fission Rod-Shaped Bacterium, hemorrhagic E. coli, strain 0157:H7 (division) (SEM x22,810).

17 How do bacteria get nutrition? Photoautotrophy (photosynthesis) Chemoautotrophy (chemicals are carbon and energy supplier) Photoheterotrophy (sun supplies energy but carbon comes from nearby organic molecules) Chemoheterotrophy (decomposition of decaying materials)


19 A. Bacillus subtilis

20 B. Serratia marcescens

21 C. Lactococcus lactis

22 D. Bacillus cereus

23 E. Escherchia coli

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