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Thursday, May 11 th  Take out your homework from last night  Grab a whiteboard, marker, and rag for each person at your table  Move your desks so they.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday, May 11 th  Take out your homework from last night  Grab a whiteboard, marker, and rag for each person at your table  Move your desks so they."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday, May 11 th  Take out your homework from last night  Grab a whiteboard, marker, and rag for each person at your table  Move your desks so they are in a cluster rather than a line  Excessive doodling wastes my markers and gets your whiteboard TAKEN AWAY

2 Jeopardy!  The first group to hold up a board with the correct answer on it will get the points  The same person from your group can’t do all of the writing – you must take turns providing answers  All answers must be LEGIBLE or you won’t get points  Cell phones put away! You can use your CALCULATOR but no cell phones  For calculation based questions, you must SHOW WORK and provide proper units for your answers  Your team only gets one chance to answer – so work TOGETHER  The team that gets the points will choose the next question

3 X X Phase changes q = mCΔT Endo or Exo? Definitions 50 40 30 20 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50

4 Define endothermic Definitions – 10 Points

5 Define exothermic Definitions – 20 Points

6 Define calorie Definitions – 30 Points

7 Define specific heat capacity Definitions – 40 Points

8 Define calorimetry Definitions – 50 Points

9 A coffee cup cooling off Endo or Exo? – 10 Points

10 An ice cube melting Endo or Exo? – 20 Points

11 NH 4 Cl dissolves in water. The temperature of the water decreases. Endo or Exo? – 30 Points

12 Gasoline fuels a car. Endo or Exo? – 40 Points

13 A chemical reaction for which the change in enthalpy is -550 J Endo or Exo? – 50 Points

14 5 grams of water are heated from 15°C to 30°C. What is q? q = mC Δ T – 10 Points

15 5 grams of water are cooled from 30°C to 15°C. What is q? q = mC Δ T – 20 Points

16 A 36 g sample of metal changes from 22°C to 30°C with the addition of 152 calories. What is the specific heat capacity? q = mC Δ T – 30 Points

17 A 35mL sample of water at 25°C is heated with 615 calories. What is the new temperature? q = mC Δ T – 40 Points

18 A 25 g sample of aluminum (C P = 0.215 cal/g°C) at 25°C is put into a 50. g sample of water at 65°C. What is the final temperature? q = mC Δ T – 50 Points

19 How much energy does it take to boil 150. grams of water? Phase changes – 10 Points

20 How much energy is released when 35 g of water freezes? Phase changes – 20 Points

21 Draw a phase change curve for water. Label all states of matter and temperatures. Your slopes must be (relatively) accurate! Phase changes – 30 Points

22 A 25 g sample of ice starts at -5°C. It is heated until it is steam at 105°C. How much energy (in calories) was added to the sample? Phase changes – 40 Points

23 A 35 g sample of steam at 132°C is cooled until it is ice at -15°C. How much energy was released? Phase changes – 50 Points

24 Insert Text for Question Challenge Questions – 10 Points

25 Insert Text for Question Challenge Questions – 20 Points

26 Insert Text for Question Challenge Questions – 30 Points

27 Insert Text for Question Challenge Questions – 40 Points

28 Insert Text for Question Challenge Questions – 50 Points

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