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Unit 6 When was it invented?. What are the Four Great Inventions in ancient China? Do you know?

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6 When was it invented?. What are the Four Great Inventions in ancient China? Do you know?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6 When was it invented?

2 What are the Four Great Inventions in ancient China? Do you know?

3 paper-making 造纸术 compass 指南针 printing 印刷术 gunpowder 火 药

4 car What’s this called in English? televisiontelephone computer calculator light bulb battery

5 Look at the things. In what order do you think they were invented? A: I think the calculator was invented before the computer. B: Well, I think the calculator was invented after the computer.

6 The car was invented before the TV set. A: I think … was invented before … B: Well, I think … was invented after ….

7 The telephone was invented before the TV set. A: I think … was invented before … B: Well, I think … was invented after ….

8 The telephone was invented before the computer. A: I think … was invented before … B: Well, I think … was invented after ….

9 1a Look at the things below. In what order do you think they were invented? Discuss them with your group. Then number them [1–4] (1 = first, 4 = last). A: I think the TV was invented before the car. B: Well, I think the TV was invented after the car. 42 13

10 1b Listen and match the inventions with the years. ____ 1876 ____ 1885 ____ 1927 ____ 1976 d a c b

11 1c Student B, cover the dates. Student A, ask Student B when the things in the picture in 1b were invented. Then change roles and practice again. A: When was the telephone invented? B: I think it was invented in 1876. c

12 When was the computer invented? Let me see…

13 请同学们打开导学方案, 以自学加小组 探究的方式学习 86 至 87 页语言探究的内容 (首先认真自学,遇到难点组内交流)。

14 Exercis es 完成导学方案 88 页练习。

15 Check your answers. 单项选择: 1 B; 2 D; 3 A; 4 B; 5 C

16 根据中文意思或首字母写出完整的单词。 1 、 invented 2 、 inventor 3 、 accident 4 、 leaves 5 、 discovered 6 、 century 7 、 invention 8 、 national 9 、 popularity 10 、 price


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