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The Medieval Period. The Middle Ages From 500 – 1500 Between Antiquity and Renaissance.

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Presentation on theme: "The Medieval Period. The Middle Ages From 500 – 1500 Between Antiquity and Renaissance."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Medieval Period

2 The Middle Ages From 500 – 1500 Between Antiquity and Renaissance



5 1- Feudal system Developed to provide some protection after the collapse of the Roman Empire.

6 2- Christian Church Period of great influence of the Catholic Church in Europe. Preservation of knowledge from Greece and Rome.

7 3- Technological development Period of slow technological progress.

8 Medieval Society The 3 orders Oratores Bellatores Laborares Those who pray. Those who fight. Those who work.

9 Oratores They are the guardians of society. Prayed for souls Baptism, marriage, confession, catechism, communion, burials… This was the most prestigious of the 3 orders because they were closest to God.

10 Bellatores Chivalry: the knightly ethic Courtesy Glory Honour Liberality Loyalty Prowess (use of arms, strength, bravery)

11 Morning-star Mace Battle axe Broad sword Lance Shield

12 Laborares Peasants Problems to be faced by peasant: Epidemics (Black Death) Unproductive land Famines Miserable life

13 Feudalism


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