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Science Chapter 2: Habitats and Adaptations. 2-1 Life in the Desert Essential Question: How do adaptations help living things survive in different habitats?

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Presentation on theme: "Science Chapter 2: Habitats and Adaptations. 2-1 Life in the Desert Essential Question: How do adaptations help living things survive in different habitats?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Chapter 2: Habitats and Adaptations

2 2-1 Life in the Desert Essential Question: How do adaptations help living things survive in different habitats?

3 2-1 Life in the Desert 3-2.2: Explain how physical and behavioral adaptation allow organisms to survive. 3-2.3: Recall the characteristics of an organism’s habitat that allow the organism to survive there.

4 What is a desert? Desert: a habitat that hast a dry climate The soil in the desert is mostly sand. There is little humus to soak up rainwater.

5 What is a desert? Less than 25 centimeters (10 inches) of rain fall each year. Temperatures in a desert vary widely between day and night.

6 What adaptations help desert plants? Plants that grow in the deserts have adaptations that help them survive with little water. Special leaves and stems help them store water. Spines and thorns protect them from thirsty animals.

7 What adaptations help desert animals? Nocturnal: animals that sleep during the day and awake at night when it is cooler

8 What adaptations help desert animals? Large ears and thin bodies help animals stay cool.




12 What adaptations help desert animals? Some desert animals can hide in plain sight. Camouflage: blending in with the environment


14 Camouflage

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