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Assessing Learning not Levels: a 25 year perspective.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessing Learning not Levels: a 25 year perspective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessing Learning not Levels: a 25 year perspective.

2 The 1911 Acland Report

3 The 1924 Hadow Report

4 The 1943 Norwood Report

5 The 1959 Crowther report

6 The 1960 Beloe Report

7 The 1963 Newsom report

8 The 1978 Waddell Report

9 1988 National Curriculum Task Group on Assessment and Testing

10 The 1994 Dearing review

11 The 2004 Tomlinson Report

12 The 2006Teaching and Learning in 2020 Review Group

13 2008 The Children Schools and Families Committee ‘Testing and Assessment report’.

14 2011 The Framework for the National Curriculum The report of the Expert Panel for the National Curriculum.

15 Politics

16 Ideology

17 Pragmatism

18 Inertia


20 Levels…….. ‘because it is so hard to measure what is really important, governments and institutions try to pin down something else. They have to. But the consequences of pinning down the wrong thing can be severe Boyle (2001) ‘The Tyranny of Numbers’

21 The next 25 years: towards a science of assessment....

22 Research on Learning: Autonomy Self-efficacy Confidence Feedback Modelling Ownership






28 Characteristics of TEA Personalized Confidence building Constructive Engaging Providing substantive and immediate feedback Covering the full range of learning objectives Combining formative and summative Available on demand Combining effective and cognitive learning dimensions Potentially collaborative Reducing the emphasis on categorization Sequential Networked Efficient Accessible in a range of modes (Broadfoot,2007)

29 Three key questions? What do digital technologies offer for educational assessment? How might assessment be different when knowledge and performance can be represented digitally? Where is the 'cutting edge' in such developments at present?

30  The use of multiple forms of representation to enable learners to represent their learning in ways of their choice.  Development of new ways of assessing summative performance in different subjects  Development of ways of capturing learning in '21 st Century' educational priorities that are less amenable to traditional assessment methods

31  A technology's benefit to learning depends on whether it also entails improved teaching methods (Draper, 2009).  We should 'judge assessment techniques in terms of the learning gains associated with them.' (Draper, 2009: 286)  Moves towards integrating both formative and summative assessment

32 Thank you!

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