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Overview: 2/25/16 Ms. McCloud and Mr. Walker will assist you with registration materials in your math class on the following dates: Chadwell’s Math Classes:

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Presentation on theme: "Overview: 2/25/16 Ms. McCloud and Mr. Walker will assist you with registration materials in your math class on the following dates: Chadwell’s Math Classes:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview: 2/25/16 Ms. McCloud and Mr. Walker will assist you with registration materials in your math class on the following dates: Chadwell’s Math Classes: 3/2/16 & 3/7/16 Ms. Bratton’s Math Classes: 3/4/16 & 3/8/16 Ms. Pearcy’s Math Classes: 3/3/16 & 3/7/16 YOU WILL NEED YOUR LAPTOP WHEN COUNSELORS COME TO YOUR MATH CLASS. Registration Appointments April 4-8 in RNR Media Center

2 Last Name: A-C: Sandi Nelson Last Name: D-G: Wendy Wolfe Last Name: H-L: Eric Freeman Last Name: M-R: Kayte Daffron Last Name: S-Z: Lisa Pierce

3  Block Classes – 90 Minute Classes for 1 Semester  Singleton Classes – 50 Minute Classes for the Whole Year  Required Course – Course you must pass to graduate with a diploma  Elective Course – Course you choose to take  Alternate Course – Course you will take if you can’t get the course you choose  Elective Focus – Three elective credits in a designated category  Graduation Requirements – A minimum of 28 credits required by the state of Tennessee to graduate

4  Block/Singleton definitions  Selection “Alternate Courses”  Graduation Requirements  Testing  Grading System  Weighted Course Listing  Repeating Courses  Sample Course Description

5 Graduation Requirements 28 Credits total

6 Block and Singleton

7  Career and Technical Education (breakdown of specific areas included on handout and in Course Catalog)  S.T.E.M. (Courses to use are on handout, should also be in Course Catalog)  Humanities  Fine Arts  AP courses  ROTC

8  Look at Course Catalog with your parents/guardians.  Make a list of classes you are interested in.  Make a list of questions you may have for Mr. Walker or Ms. McCloud when they come to your math class.  Review registration card and 4-6 year plan – you can print these off and practice filling them out.

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