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Quality control of the statistical register in the Republic of Belarus Svetlana Nichiporuk Head of Statistical Register Department of National Statistical.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality control of the statistical register in the Republic of Belarus Svetlana Nichiporuk Head of Statistical Register Department of National Statistical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality control of the statistical register in the Republic of Belarus Svetlana Nichiporuk Head of Statistical Register Department of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus Joint UNECE / OECD / Eurostat Meeting of the Group of Experts on Business Registers, 2013

2 Group of Experts on Business Registers Group of Experts on Business Registers2 Table of content 1.Use1.Use 2. Compliance with quality standards 2. 3.Updating3.Updating 4. Cooperation with experts of the field 4. 5. Data control 5. 6. Possible ways to improve quality 6.

3 Group of Experts on Business Registers Group of Experts on Business Registers3 Statistical register Administrative part Statistical part Legal units Statistical units

4 Group of Experts on Business Registers Group of Experts on Business Registers4 Functions and types of uses of the statistical register: providing common enumeration of the respondents ensuring common principle of identification of the respondents organizing and conducting statistical surveys establishing consolidated statistical information establishing the list of respondents and summary data on the number of business entities in the country in various breakdowns and groupings.

5 Common identification code of units according to nationwide classifications Administrative data Statistical surveys data Sufficient characteristics to allow groupings and different selections Statistical register Group of Experts on Business Registers Group of Experts on Business Registers5

6 6 Quality of the statistical register quality of the SR is the extent to which it is in accordance with generally accepted quality criteria and meets information needs and expectations of users

7 Group of Experts on Business Registers Group of Experts on Business Registers7 Quality standards Relevance (demand) Relevance (demand) Compliance with register information and needs of users

8 Group of Experts on Business Registers Group of Experts on Business Registers8 Quality standards (continued) Accuracy (reliability) Accuracy (reliability) correct reflection of reality in the register

9 Group of Experts on Business Registers Group of Experts on Business Registers9 Quality standards (continued) Timeliness and punctuality Timeliness and punctuality The period of time when the register is updated to reflect actual state of events

10 Group of Experts on Business Registers Group of Experts on Business Registers10 Quality standards (continued) Accessibility and clarity Accessibility and clarity Comparability Comparability free access to documentation Spatial comparability Comparability over time

11 Group of Experts on Business Registers Group of Experts on Business Registers11 Quality standards (continued) Consistency Consistency Internal consistency Consistency with other registers OKPO code – the registration number assigned by the state statistical authoritiesOKPO code – the registration number assigned by the state statistical authorities NCLEE code – the registration number assigned by the registration authoritiesNCLEE code – the registration number assigned by the registration authorities UNP code – the registration number assigned by the tax authoritiesUNP code – the registration number assigned by the tax authorities

12 Group of Experts on Business Registers Group of Experts on Business Registers12 Updating of the statistical business register Administrative sources Information provided by the statistical experts Statistical register AIS «Cooperation» laws and regulations bilateral agreement on information exchange

13 Group of Experts on Business Registers Group of Experts on Business Registers13 Cooperation with experts of the field  Rules and regulations of updating of statistical register Data from statistical surveys Updating local units of statistical registerUpdating local units of statistical register Updating characteristics of the units of statistical registerUpdating characteristics of the units of statistical register

14 Group of Experts on Business Registers Group of Experts on Business Registers14 Data control visual check of source data (depending on the amount of information) comparison of data from the data source and SR (changes control) comparison of similar data from different sources (consistencies check) completeness and duplication check check of National Classification of Businesses and Organizations code (for the control number) check of the characteristics values, to match the reference classifications used in the SR check of the interrelations between different values of characteristics and other controls

15 Group of Experts on Business Registers Group of Experts on Business Registers15 Possible ways to improve quality of the SR and directions of its future development Transition to new software and technology tools for formation and maintenance of the administrative part of the SR Increase the level of automatisation of analytical and methodological processes in the updating and maintenance of the register

16 Possible ways to improve quality of the SR and directions of its future development (continued) Development of the updating system of statistical register is the result of integration of informative resources of state authorities in National Computerized Information System (NCIS) Group of Experts on Business Registers Group of Experts on Business Registers16

17 17 National Computerized Information System (NCIS) Department of Justice National Cadastral Agency Ministry of Internal Affairs Ministry of Taxation Ministry of Education Internet Administrators of NCIS Core of NCIS Security Administrator Internet Users Free national informative resources Data processing centre RUP “Beltelekom” National Bank BelGISS Government authorities Official websites Exchange rate OKPB Limited access of the national informative resources

18 Group of Experts on Business Registers Group of Experts on Business Registers18 Possible ways to improve quality of the SR and directions of its future development (continued) Current work on recoding of the main types of activities according to the new classification based on NACE Rev.2, it is planned to conduct recoding and quality control of the SR in a few years’ time

19 Group of Experts on Business Registers Group of Experts on Business Registers19 Thank you for your attention!

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