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So far, so good -The Centre of north-east BiH (with about 700.000 inhabitants) -Economic(business), cultural and sport centre -The City of.

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2 So far, so good

3 -The Centre of north-east BiH (with about 700.000 inhabitants) -Economic(business), cultural and sport centre -The City of youth, coexistence and tolerance -Open city -Significant potential of talented and qualified young experts

4 BIT Center Tuzla  BIT Center is a place for development of ICT companies.  BIT Centar Tuzla ( is made of three ICT Business incubator ICT Training Centar ICT Research Lab

5 Origin of the project  MoU made between NMFA and Tuzla Municipality  Norwegian implementing partners SINTEF (Leading research organization) SIVA (Owner of Norwegian Science Parks and technology incubators)  Additional local partner: Tuzla University  Project philosophy:  Empower young people to lead  Focus on creative businesses  Visionary long term scope

6 BIT Business Incubator  Established in October 2005  Today in BIT Incubator: -21 companies, 2 idea developer project and 1 applied research project -99 people work in BIT Center -70% of people holds University degree -Average years are 31 (13% woman) -3 applicants are waiting to enter BIT Incubator

7 BIT Business Incubator  Results 2005-2010 -In five years BIT Business Incubator was a host for more than 40 companies, 15 idea developer projects and 2 ICT Labs -99 people is working in BIT and 76 are working in companies that moved out, totaling 175 -31 start - up companies were registered in BIT Business Incubator, -Majority of 175 young people got their first job in BIT Center companies

8 BIT Training Center  Established in May 2007  Implementation of high quality and practical ICT trainings is done by two companies placed in BIT Center  In last three years more than 3000 people got ICT education in BIT Training Center  Since 2008 people attending soft skills trainings, trainings connected to FP7 and CBC projects, motivation trainings etc.

9 BIT Resarch Center  Not established yet, but we made first steps -October 2006 - Atmel Co. sets joint laboratory together with EE Faculty. NMFA supported expansion of laboratory for DSP. -May 2007 – first company connected to laboratory registered by two students -July 2007 – first steps towards ICT labs are made

10 BIT Resarch Center - ICT Lab  November 2007- first Faculty research group enters BIT Center  One of the first initiatives in B&H, where research from University is applied in commercial projects  Engagement of students that work with Professors has been proven as a win - win combination, and the first step to creating first University spin - off companies in the region

11 Projects 2009:  BIT II building – opened in May 2009, with 345 m2 for BIT companies  Tuzla Wireless City Project

12 Back to the title - The incubator needs to have a profile - Market an incubator - Listen carefully, be inspired and inspiration - Incubator staff needs to anticipate needs of tenants - The best will attract others - Your tenants are your BEST Ambassadors - Networking, networking, networking... - The incubator needs to have a profile - Market an incubator - Listen carefully, be inspired and inspiration - Incubator staff needs to anticipate needs of tenants - The best will attract others - Your tenants are your BEST Ambassadors - Networking, networking, networking...

13 Why to support this initiatives?  SMEs are backbone of European economy  SMEs must protect their market and to do so innovation is needed. “Big players” are not often innovative  Full scale laboratories and young start – up companies are proving ground for inventing, prototyping and marketing new technology solutions  Strategic tool to gain competitive advantage

14 You need to be recognizable in order to be recognized, or why BIT Center had this success  Support from Norwegian partners in know –how, finance and network and open cooperaton with local partners is first key to sucess.  Second key for sucess is that: -BIT Center managed to establish a recognizable arena for starting up new ICT companies, and supporting innovation and growth in young technology companies. -BIT Center managed to be accepted as a reliable host for young ambitious entrepreneurs and professionals in their struggle for building their own future

15 ... and the future is...  BIT Park (Business Innovation and Technology Park)

16 BIT Center Tuzla Thank you for your attention!

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