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TECTONIC PLATES How tectonic plates were made and what they do. By Dev and Abhishek.

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Presentation on theme: "TECTONIC PLATES How tectonic plates were made and what they do. By Dev and Abhishek."— Presentation transcript:

1 TECTONIC PLATES How tectonic plates were made and what they do. By Dev and Abhishek

2 HOW TECTONIC PLATES WERE MADE tectonic plates were made by stable convection cells formed in the mantel and started driving plate movement and subduction and plate tectonics began to take shape of the earths surface.

3 VOLCANO How a volcano erupts The magma mixes with water the way the water reaches the magma is trenches. Trenches are made from tectonic plates splitting apart. When the water enters the trenches this is what happens boom!!!!! Because the magma gets a boost from water sends out of the volcano.

4 HOW TSUNAMI'S ARE MADE A tsunami is a series of ocean waves that sends surges of water, sometimes reaching heights of over 100 feet (30.5 meters), onto land. These walls of water can cause widespread destruction when they crash ashore. Tsunamis may also be caused by underwater landslides or volcanic eruptions. They may even be launched, as they frequently were in Earth’s ancient past, by the impact of a large meteorite plunging into an ocean

5 A BIT ABOUT EARTHQUAKES When two tectonic plates hit each other and one slips it creates an earthquake. Earthquake’s have after quakes they are lots of mini earthquakes after one main massive earthquake.

6 WHERE TECTONIC PLATES ARE Major tectonic plates are in Antarctica, Africa, Eurasian, Australia, pacific, north and south America, Nazca. Now the minor plates are in India, Arabia, Caribbean, Philippians.


8 VIDEOS OF TECTONIC PLATES water goes in a volcano. tectonic plates

9 THE END Thanks for watching By Dev and Abhishek

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