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Our Future Latinas ► School: Sweetwater High School City: National City ► Presenters: Amayrani Orduño, Janet Nava, Irma Villegas, Vanessa Martinez ► Colors:

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Presentation on theme: "Our Future Latinas ► School: Sweetwater High School City: National City ► Presenters: Amayrani Orduño, Janet Nava, Irma Villegas, Vanessa Martinez ► Colors:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Future Latinas ► School: Sweetwater High School City: National City ► Presenters: Amayrani Orduño, Janet Nava, Irma Villegas, Vanessa Martinez ► Colors: Red and Gray

2 FUTURE PLANS Latinos are the largest minority in the United States but we have the lowest number of students attending or graduating college. This is what Latinas envision for their future.

3 -88% of students attending community college are planning to transfer to a university -3% are not and 9% are unsure -Transfer rates are high

4 Our Choice! ► 92% believe it is there choice to go to college/ university ► Most parents expect there children to go to college/university (explain statistics) ► 83% of students will be the first generation attending college/ university ► Difficulty for those who are not attending is COST,GRADES,COLLEGE ENTREANCE EXAMS,WANT AND NEED OF JOB, AND 11% JUST DON’T WANT TO.


6 College Preparation Are Latinas in your high school prepared for college/university? ► Most of the Latinas at our school are prepared for college/university. ► 75% have taken the required courses. 10% have not taken the required courses. 4% don’t know what the college preparatory courses are. 10% don’t know if they have taken the college preparatory courses.


8 The majority of people have met with their school counselor to discuss their class schedule.

9 Future Goals ► Latinas at our school discussed future goals with: Parents and/or family: 33% Teacher: 28% School Counselor: 24% College Counselor: 6%

10 Elections 2008 Where Latinas stand in political awareness.

11 Eligibility ► Are you eligible to vote: ► Yes: 87% ► No: 13% ► Will you go out and vote? ► Yes: 73% ► No: 17% ► Don’t qualify:10%

12 Conclusion ► 79% of high school Latinas have high expectations of themselves. They see themselves being psychologist, teachers, doctors or other careers in the medical field, and forensic scientist. ► Most seniors want to start in a Community College. ► Only 50% of students have taken the Standardized Entrance Exam, of those 59% have not received information of the test.

13 SCHOOL RECOMENDATIONS ► Have school inform students of college entrance testing, and how to register. ► Spread the word on different types of financial aid to create more awareness for students.

14 STATE RECOMENDATIONS ► Improve the student to counselor ratio so students continue to receive college information. ► Don’t reduce funding to education.

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