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Kangaroo Island Tourism Optimisation Management Model.

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Presentation on theme: "Kangaroo Island Tourism Optimisation Management Model."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kangaroo Island Tourism Optimisation Management Model

2 Context Analysis Monitoring Programme Management Response System Identify key issues for Sustainable Tourism Set Objectives Develop Indicators to Measure Objectives Determine Acceptable Range Monitor Response Are Indicators Within Acceptable Range YES NO Determine and Initiate Management Response Continue Monitoring Develop Monitoring Programmes Collect and Report Information

3 What’s going on? What’s important to our community and guests? Where will current trends take us? Is it where we want to go? If not, what are we going to do about it? How will we know when we get there? Who is going to take the lead? In layman’s terms:

4 There’s lots of “triple bottom line” around but we also look at: our community as hosts (social)

5 There’s lots of “triple bottom line” around but we also look at: the environment

6 There’s lots of “triple bottom line” around but we also look at: the economy

7 There’s lots of “triple bottom line” around but we also look at: visitor satisfaction inc visitor:visitor crowding

8 There was a very strong overlap between community values and visitor values From the outset...

9 Has no legislative basis Is not even an incorporated body Its’ strength is no-one owns it Its’ weakness is no-one owns it! Has been going MUCH longer than anyone ever expected! Is an incredibly rich set of information Tells us what is actually going on - rather than what people think is going on - not all always the same thing! TOMM

10 Kangaroo Island Council Tourism Kangaroo Island Kangaroo Island Natural Resource Management Board Regional Development Australia South Australian Tourism Commission Department of Environment and Natural Resources Community and industry representatives Who are the partners?

11 Self completed hand written visitor exit survey - year round 10% of residents biannually telephoned and interviewed Analysis of existing data sets collected by key agencies Ad-hoc impact observations by agencies* Where does the information come from?

12 Visitor origin

13 Very satisfied with customer service



16 Satisfied/Very satisfied 80% to 84%

17 Satisfaction with attributes

18 Visitation to managed sites

19 Quality of public tourism infrastructure

20 Experienced local produce

21 Viewed wildlife in natural environment

22 Overnight expenditure >$200 per person

23 Don’t trust this!

24 Experience > or = Expectations


26 Reviewed marketing images











37 Awareness of quarantine

38 Suggestions for improvement

39 Reasons for dis-satisfaction

40 Satisfaction with key organisations

41 Tourism impacts on community

42 Overall satisfaction with visit

43 Significant and notable differences between subgroups: Day trippers were much less likely to be satisfied with their overall experience on the Island (69%) than those staying one or more nights (82%)

44 Overall satisfaction with visit Significant and notable differences between subgroups: Day trippers were much less likely to be satisfied with their overall experience on the Island (69%) than those staying one or more nights (82%) Excellent! let’s use that in our marketing!!

45 Challenges Maintaining funding Maintaining data integrity with agency/personnel changes Technology changes inc landlines Language bias - non English speakers Getting agencies to implement TOMM priorities into their plans Communicating value to community and industry Maintaining enthusiasm for what is a voluntary co-operative activity over time Boosting quality of environmental monitoring/data Finding real economic data!

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