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Sustainable Nature Based Tourism as an Impact Investment in Conservation Area in Indonesia Tropical Landscapes Summit A Global Investment Opportunity 27-28.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Nature Based Tourism as an Impact Investment in Conservation Area in Indonesia Tropical Landscapes Summit A Global Investment Opportunity 27-28."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Nature Based Tourism as an Impact Investment in Conservation Area in Indonesia Tropical Landscapes Summit A Global Investment Opportunity 27-28 April David Makes Chairman of Sustainable Management Group (SMG) Chairman of Indonesian Association of Nature Based Tourism (APAI)

2 advantages and benefits of sustainable nature based tourism in indonesia Not capital intensive investment; Nature based tourism etching the trend for present and future tourism; Contributes into conservation of nature and culture as its main asset – particularly biodiversity and culture on national and global level; Reduce forest degradation.

3 Nature based tourism aligned with sustainable development principles Prominent Local Content; Labour intensive; Direct economic distribution to remote areas; Accelerate local economic growth; Strong barrier to entry in the global market due to the key product being nature and culture. advantages and benefits of sustainable nature based tourism in indonesia

4 Multiplier effect; Dissemination Mechanism for Sustainability Principles to the Local Community; Economy Empowerment; Local Wisdom. advantages and benefits of sustainable nature based tourism in indonesia

5 NATURE BASED TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Source : Ministry of Forestry of Republic of Indonesia


7 Average Tourism Companies Commercial Performance in Conservation Area of Java and Bali Source : Indonesia Nature Based Asscociation

8 Non Tax Government Income (Rph. millions) Source : Indonesia Nature Based Asscociation

9 Sustainable Tourism Development at Bali Barat National Park, North West Bali, INDONESIA by Sustainable Management Group 2003, good practice for sustainable development (UNWTO) 2011, the best operation in national park (Ministry of Forestry of Republic of Indonesia)

10 Conservation Environmental Education Love Nature (BCA) Education Program Community Development Endemic Tree Planting Program Habitat Management Program Bali Starling Conservation Program Activities in Community Development and Conservation Double Livelihood Program Three Hierarchy (STS) Program Bokashi Program Kopernik Program

11 Love Nature Education Program Endemic Tree Planting Program Bali Starling Conservation Program Habitat Management Program Poverty Alleviation through Community Development Environmental Mindset Ecosystem Improvement Sustainable Development SUMMARY Holistic Approach to Sustainable Development Bokashi Program STS Program Kopernik Program Double Livelihood Economically Profitable

12 To Remember, Long term project; Investment funding – not yet favorable; Not only IRR but also ERR Specific skillset and experience critical for building concept, product, and commercial activity with a competitive advantage; Niche and limited market.

13 To be prepared, Legal, social, community, environment, Point of Interest, infra structure due diligence Risks management analysis Commercial and Sustainable Financial Source Private and Public Investment Economically Profitable

14 Bila Sayak Mount Tunak Nature Park Central Lombok

15 Blue Fire as Point of Interest Mount Ijen Nature Park Ijen Banyuwangi, East Java

16 Komodo National Park West Nusa Tenggara

17 Tanjung Puting National Park Central Kalimantan

18 “there will be no sustainable development when filled and surrounded by poverty” david makes

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