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Language arts 8 Writing sol HOW TO

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1 Language arts 8 Writing sol HOW TO
Writing Prompts Language arts 8 Writing sol HOW TO

2 How Do You Answer a Writing Prompt?
Break apart the prompt A prompt is a question or an instruction that tells you what you’re supposed to write What is the prompt asking you to do? Brainstorm ideas T-chart; cluster web; lists Jot down usable words or phrases Outline your paper Draft your 5 paragraph essay

3 Step 1: Break Apart the Prompt
Prompt: Because of safety concerns, many states have increased the age of which teens can begin to drive. Your state legislature is considering raising the minimum driving age from 16 to 18. Do you think the minimum driving age should be raised? Take a position on this issue. Support your response with reasons and specific examples. ARGUE if you think the driving age should be raised from 16 to , or remain at 16.

4 Step 2: Brainstorm Ideas for Both Sides
Driving Age SHOULD REMAIN at 16 Driving Age SHOULD BE RAISED from 16 to 18

5 Step 3: Outline Introduction w/ 3-prong thesis statement
Organize your ideas into 3 main chunks 3 reasons to support your argument 3 examples to support your reasons Step 3: Outline Basic Outline Driving Age Outline I Intro/thesis: Driving age should be raised from because teens are easily distracted, are immature, and are expensive drivers. II Distractions A. Talk and text on cell phones B. Play loud music C. Eat while driving III Immaturity A. Responsibilities of adulthood-smoke,drink, vote at 18 or 21 B. Irresponsible and inexperienced (cause more accidents than other age groups) C. Not good decision makers Expense A. Higher insurance rates for parents B. Need to buy another car; maintenance C. Property damage to other cars or mailboxes V Conclusion Introduction w/ 3-prong thesis statement Reason #1 w/ supporting details and examples Reason #2 w/ supporting details and examples Reason #3 w/ supporting details and examples Conclusion w/ restated thesis, brief summary, wrap-up

6 Step 4: Draft Your Essay SAMPLE INTRO (“ i ”)
Getting your driver’s license at 16 is a traditional American rite of passage. Driving is seen as a transition from childhood to young adulthood because it offers teens freedom and independence. However, with this privilege comes more responsibilities. Due to safety concerns, state legislatures should raise the minimum driving age from 16 to 18 because teens ¹are more easily distracted while driving, ²are too immature for this responsibility, and ³are the most expensive age group to insure. Hook Brief summary of topic Thesis (arguable, specific, 3 prong)

7 Step 4: Draft Your Essay SAMPLE BODY
Reason #1 topic sentence Examples to support reason Explanation of examples (how is the example supporting your argument?) Transitions within and between paragraphs for smoother reading SAMPLE BODY One reason the driving age should be raised is because teenagers are too distracted when they are behind the wheel. Teenagers often engage in activities where they take their hands, eyes, and minds off of the road. For example, many teenagers text or talk on cell phones while they drive. As a result, there are higher accident rates and deaths among this age group. With age comes maturity and an increased awareness of the dangers of driving while using technological devices. Additionally, many teenagers play loud music and eat in their cars. Not only are these activities annoying, but they are dangerous because they slow drivers’ reaction times since they get wrapped up in songs and cannot properly handle the wheel when making turns. The fact that teenagers are so easily distracted while driving shows that they are too immature to be trusted with such a responsibility.

8 Step 4: Draft Your Essay SAMPLE CONCLUSION
Topic sentence Restate thesis Briefly summarize main points Call to action/ new insights SAMPLE CONCLUSION Although it is too late for families who have lost loved ones due to teenagers’ reckless driving, it is not too late for legislators to do something about people’s safety on the road. Teenagers are too easily distracted, immature, and expensive to be given the responsibility to handle a two ton vehicle at high speeds. Raising the age for obtaining a driver’s license from 16 to 18 will lead to fewer traffic accidents and deaths and lower insurance rates. The safety of American families should not be jeopardized because 16- and 17-year-olds lack experience behind the wheel. Human lives are precious, so the law should work to preserve them through the raising of the legal driving age.

9 Writing Prompt Competition is a constant presence in today’s schools, where students not only compete with one another in the classroom, but also in various extracurricular activities. Explain how competition can improve life or make it more difficult for students. Use specific details and examples in your response.

10 Step 1: Break Down Prompt
What is this prompt asking you to do?

11 Step 2: Brainstorm

12 Step 3: Outline

13 Step 4: Draft Intro 1st Body Paragraph

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