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ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING PROJECT CLUSTER MEETING AM for Metal Parts EU-OXIGEN project (No. 310279) Fundació CIM C/Llorens i Artigas, 12 Parc Tecnològic de.

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Presentation on theme: "ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING PROJECT CLUSTER MEETING AM for Metal Parts EU-OXIGEN project (No. 310279) Fundació CIM C/Llorens i Artigas, 12 Parc Tecnològic de."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING PROJECT CLUSTER MEETING AM for Metal Parts EU-OXIGEN project (No. 310279) Fundació CIM C/Llorens i Artigas, 12 Parc Tecnològic de Barcelona Barcelona, Spain 2 May 2016 A.B. Spierings Inspire AG – innovation centre for additive manufacturing, Switzerland

2 OXIGEN project Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) alloys are an established class of materials that offer… exceptional high temperature strength oxidation and corrosion resistance at high temperatures exceeding 1000 C along with outstanding resistance to radiation damage Hence, these alloys are envisioned to be used in a number of future fossil energy and nuclear power applications.

3 OXIGEN project FP7-framework program, 11 European partners  Including 2 partners from Eastern Partnership Countries: Belarus and Ukraine Duration: 48 months (2013 – 2017)

4 Exploitable results (ERs) ER 1: Development of TiAl-ODS alloy composition, suitable tfor processing by AM- technologies Product: New TiAl alloy composition with improved processability by AM, especially LMD and SLM. ER2: Development of TiAl-ODS alloy commercial production route for AM-powders Process: Manufacture of high-quality TiAl-ODS materials, with ODS particles using high energy ball milling techniques ER3: Improvement of corrosion resistance by Ni-ODS materials processed by AM Product: Improvement of high temperature oxidation resistance of Ni-based superalloys.. ER4: Integration of fibre-optical sensors into metallic parts for high temperature monitoring Process: Processing route and stress- / strain monitoring capabilities of optical fibres embedded and surface mounted onto parts using a combination of SLM and LMD

5 Development of TiAl-ODS alloy composition, suitable for processing by AM-technologies Describe the type of result and the resulting innovation New TiAl alloy composition with improved processability by AM, especially LMD and SLM. Potential customers High-strength, high temperature structural applications, such as turbine industry, aerospace and space Customer Benefits Enabling the use of additive manufacturing, with all potential benefits given by AM such as e.g. extreme lightweight structures, structurally optimized parts,internal cavities and targetted coatings.

6 Development of TiAl-ODS alloy composition, suitable for processing by AM-technologies Technological Readiness Level TRL 4-5 Milestones in the TRL progression up to TRL9 TRL 9 in  2- 3 years Main technical challenges in this result Definition of suitable alloy composition Appropriate AM-processing windows to prevent crack propagtion during deposition and cooling. Time to market (Mth/yr): 1 – 2 years for powders, 3 years with applications

7 Development of TiAl-ODS alloy composition, suitable for processing by AM-technologies IPRs Have you protected or will you protect this result before disclosing it? The consortium are in the process of discussing protection before disclosing the composition of the alloy. How? Initial Patent searches on materials composition, applications and processing. When? Patent searches will take place as part of the PUDF document generated in RP1

8 Development of TiAl-ODS alloy commercial production route for AM-powders Describe the type of result and the resulting innovation Manufacture of high-quality TiAl-ODS powders suitable for AM-processes, with ODS particles using high energy ball milling techniques. Potential customers High-strength, high temperature structural applications and coatings, such as turbine industry, aerospace and space. Industry using the ARCAM AM process for TiAl parts Customer Benefits Alternative powder production and post-processing route, specifically suited for producing particle modified powders, thereby avoiding material melting. Alternative TiAl powder source, as TiAl materials can be difficult to source due to pantents

9 Development of TiAl-ODS alloy commercial production route for AM-powders Technological Readiness Level TRL 6 Milestones in the TRL progression up to TRL9 TRL 9 in  2- 3 years Main technical challenges in this result Producing powders with a property set sufficient for the use of additive manufacturing, such as DMD and SLM. Time to market (Mth/yr): 1 - 2 years

10 Development of TiAl-ODS alloy commercial production route for AM-powders IPRs Have you protected or will you protect this result before disclosing it? The consortium are in the process of discussing protection before disclosing the composition or the methods or processing the alloy. The method of processing will likely remain as knowhow. How? NA When? NA

11 Improvement of corrosion resistance by Ni-ODS materials processed by AM Describe the type of result and the resulting innovation Significant improvement of high temperature oxidation resistance of Ni-based superalloys. Potential customers Turbine industry High temperature structural applications Aerospace / Space Customer Benefits Use of Ni-based ODS alloys in turbine applications Improved service times of corrosion sensitive parts in turbines.

12 Improvement of corrosion resistance by Ni-ODS materials processed by AM Technological Readiness Level TRL 6 Milestones in the TRL progression up to TRL9 TRL 9 in  2 years Main technical challenges in this result Powder raw materials with sufficient quality Particle size and distribution in consolidated material Time to market (Mth/yr): 1 - 2 years for powders, 3 years with applications

13 Improvement of corrosion resistance by Ni-ODS materials processed by AM IPRs Have you protected or will you protect this result before disclosing it? The consortium are in the process of discussing protection before disclosing the composition of the alloy. How? Initial Patent searches on materials composition, applications and processing. When? Patent searches will take place as part of the PUDF document generated in RP1

14 Integration of fibre-optical sensors into metallic parts for high temperature monitoring Describe the type of result and the resulting innovation Processing route and stress- / strain monitoring capabilities of optical fibres embedded and surface mounted onto parts using a combination of SLM and LMD. Potential customers Applications where high temperature monitoring up to 1000°C is required Turbine industry High temperature structural applications Aerospace / Space Customer Benefits Temperature monitoring solutions for high temperatures close to the location of interest

15 Integration of fibre-optical sensors into metallic parts for high temperature monitoring Technological Readiness Level TRL 6 Milestones in the TRL progression up to TRL9 TRL 9 in  2 - 3 years Main technical challenges in this result Sensor integration processing route, which can be applied on commercial SLM systems Sufficient bonding quality of optical fibres embedded into metallic parts Time to market (Mth/yr): 3 years

16 Integration of fibre-optical sensors into metallic parts for high temperature monitoring IPRs Have you protected or will you protect this result before disclosing it? The consortium are in the process of discussing what protection can be gained from this work before full disclosure (e.g. sensor operation improvements and methods of embedment using specific AM technologies). Generic fibre sensors and embedment by AM is already public knowledge prior to the Oxigen project. How? Initial Patent searches on sensor embedment methods Post project once demonstration activity is complete and sensors are validated (2-3 years post project)

17 Expressions of Interest -QuesTek -New alloys for AM (Titanium, aluminium) -EXOVA -Use of irregular shape powders -Direct Energy Deposition for refurbishment applications -In-situ repair of equipment in power generation sector -AMAZE -New alloys for AM -Material database -Nanotun3D -New alloys for AM -Appropriate powders

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