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WORKPLACE TRANSPORT Samuel Nii Tettey (Ergonomist)

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Presentation on theme: "WORKPLACE TRANSPORT Samuel Nii Tettey (Ergonomist)"— Presentation transcript:

1 WORKPLACE TRANSPORT Samuel Nii Tettey (Ergonomist)

2 Session Objectives At the end of the Session, Participant should be able to: -  Identify the hazards associated with Workplace transport; and  Advise employer and colleagues on measures to control the associated hazards

3 DEFINITION Workplace transport are vehicles or any mobile equipment used by employers, employees, self-employed people or visitors in any work setting (apart from travelling on public roads). usually classed as ‘workplace transport’, even though they may carry people who are working, such as haulage drivers. This is because road traffic laws cover traffic risks on public roads in more detail than general health and safety law.

4 EXAMPLES Examples include a wide range of vehicles, from cars, vans, lorries and lift trucks, to less common vehicles and plant such as straddle carriers, rubber-tyred gantries and self-propelled machinery. Vehicles moving on public roads are exempted (because road traffic regulation come into play)

5 EXAMPLES Large goods vehicles including articulators Light goods vehicles Motorised or other wheeled handling equipment Cars Vehicles carrying passengers – e.g. coaches Motorcycles and pedal cycles Other vehicles including contractor vehicles Pedestrian interaction

6 PUBLIC ROADS Public roads may be considered as temporary workplaces, for example during road works or roadside delivery Breakdown assistance Other roadside work

7 RISK ASSESSMENT Conduct risk assessment Identify of Transport hazards Identify those persons at risk Evaluate risk in light of existing precautions Record significant findings Review regularly and as necessary

8 WORKPLACE TRANSPORT HAZARDS  Collision Vehicles Vehicles/Loads striking people  Falls from vehicles Person Load

9 HAZARDS Contd.  Overturning of Vehicles  Vehicles Striking services or obstructions  Failure to follow instructions/procedures  Operator error

10 HAZARDS Contd.  Unsafe loading or transportation  Explosion of tyres, batteries  Forklift hazards

11 REMEDIAL MEASURES  Segregation of vehicles and pedestrians  Minimise reversing  One way systems  Above ensures avoidance of


13 REMEDIAL MEASURES Contd.  Banksmen/vehicle marshals  Driver training  Proper signage


15 SAFE SITES The site (premises) should have well-defined traffic routes free from obstructions, and with firm and even surfaces. Segregation of vehicular and pedestrian path ways Pedestrians crossings across vehicle routes Effective one-way system – especially for large goods vehicles and forklifts

16 SAFE VEHICLES Proper maintenance program especially for steering and braking systems, and for vehicle lights. reversing aids – reverse alarms e.g. ‘roll-over protection systems’ and driver restraints have been fitted where necessary.

17 SAFE DRIVERS Proper driver behaviour checks – drunkenness, drug use, etc. Well trained and competent drivers’ behaviour is supervised and that drivers are trained and competent. In particular, you should be able to provide evidence (for example, to a health and safety inspector) that people using lift trucks have been trained to the standards described i



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