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INDEX Population Ethnic groups Families Housing.

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3 INDEX Population Ethnic groups Families Housing

4 POPULATION In Italy lives 60.626.442 people. Is the fourth most populated country of the European union. The most of people are over 65 years old. The 14% are under 14 years old. The density of the population is 200,03 people for km². The most populated area is the central-north of the country. In the media the woman have 2,1 son. In 2010 the birth rate is 9,3% and the mortally rate is 9,7%

5 ETHNIC GROUPS In Italy, especially, in the last year the perceptual of immigrates is very increased. The 96,5 % of the people are Italian, the 0,5% are Albanian, 0,4% are moroccan,0,3% are Romanians and the 2,3% are other.

6 FAMILIES The most of families (55,4%) are composed of two people. The 28,8 have three, 17,8 have four and the 5,9% have five and more. In general, the trend indicate an increase of single people, nearly half are people whit more of 65 years old. In parallel, however, increased the number of separation and divorcees. Is also increased the average age at which people get married. This happens because the people stay for a long time at parent’s house For economic reasons. In fact the 28% of families have people under the 18, while 36,5% have people over 65 years ago.

7 HOUSING ITALIA 1991 POPULATION FAMILIES’ NUMBER FAMIGLIE IN ALLOGGIO TOTALE 56.411.290 19.765.679 24.802.884 Most of people that live in Italy inhabits in accommodations and a lot of them are in the North of Italy because the cities are big and the houses are tall. In the South most of people live in single-family houses because the cities are small. But there are lots of single-family in the North and tall palaces in the South too (for example in Palermo or Rome). S o u t h N o r t h



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