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Andrew Gammie Clinical / Biomedical Engineer Fishtail Consulting Ltd THET Birmingham 26/9/14.

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Presentation on theme: "Andrew Gammie Clinical / Biomedical Engineer Fishtail Consulting Ltd THET Birmingham 26/9/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andrew Gammie Clinical / Biomedical Engineer Fishtail Consulting Ltd THET Birmingham 26/9/14


3 The Management Cycle

4 Using ZOPP ABCD GoalStrategyResourcesAssumptions and risks 1. Blah1.1 Do this$$ ??? 1.2 Do that ??? 1.3 Do the other ???

5 Workshop Outline ABCD GoalStrategyResource s Assumptions and risks 1. Blah1.1 Do this$$ ??? 1.2 Do that ??? 1.3 Do the other ??? Good Practice Guidelines

6 Example Assumptions in our context o People are used to technology o People have had full medical training o Training is seen as good for skills and prospects Mitigations for other contexts o Cover essential safety and care o Begin by assessment of current knowledge o Build motivation for future

7 Assumptions in our context o Safe electrical supply and clean water available o Data available on which to base decisions. o Consensus on what is actually required o Equipment is appropriate – action can be taken by using it Mitigations for other contexts o Robust, back-up, withstand surges. Non-electrical if possible o Additional purchases e.g. water filter, aircon unit o Do a collaborative needs assessment incl. inventory check o Coordinate with other agencies o Service-delivery approach – consider all elements of service

8 Assumptions in our context o Hidden costs covered, e.g. maintenance, HR o Financial management and rules understandable and available o Budget is usable and realistic o Budget implies responsibility for future Mitigations for other contexts o Clarify responsibilities & cost allocation o Spare parts, consumables, maintenance services accessible o Local/historical knowledge & ownership e.g. local purchasing o Transparent processes o Flexibility on allocations o Make sure priorities reflect what’s possible

9 Assumptions in our context o Can buy what you want & can trial it o People know how to use it o Availability of what’s advertised o Trusting the market and standards for quality o Honesty & ethics of manufacturer o Consumables continue to be available Mitigations for other contexts o Pilot it, info-sharing (equip, standards, honesty) o Establish training needs o Specifications appropriate o Assessment includes local production availability

10 Assumptions in our context o Transportation effective/reliable, timely, o Logistics costed in (including customs) o Supplier honesty & efficiency o Specification is relevant & appropriate o Company honours warranty o User knows warranty is there, can use information Mitigations for other contexts o Follow local rules e.g. customs and use local experience. o Include transport in spec o Get references - use consumer power. o Pre-purchase demo/loan. o Check MHRA, ECRI etc. o User involvement in every stage o Include user knowledge of requirements/obligations

11 Assumptions in our context o Facilities exist and are appropriate, e.g. doors big enough. o Needs assessment has been done. o Someone will receive it at site. o Will get set up on site. Mitigations for other contexts o Cross-dept communications. o Do Needs Assessment o Plan for user approval on delivery o Take it out yourself, or supervise o Financial penalties clarified

12 Assumptions in our context o People are used to technology o People have had full medical training o Training is seen as good for skills and prospects Mitigations for other contexts o Cover essential safety and care o Begin by assessment of current knowledge o Build motivation for future

13 Assumptions in our context o Training followed, assimilated, practiced, knowledge shared o Governance & ToT in place o Safety culture. o People will say when they need training o Shared service-provision goals Mitigations for other contexts o Plan for refresher training, ToT o Instil a leadership culture with responsibility o Use partnership model – pass on skills, instil confidence

14 Assumptions in our context o Environment assumed o Maintenance culture exists o Device used as intended e.g. single-use Mitigations for other contexts o Prepare for environmental challenges o Contractual obligations to support maintenance. o Leadership & responsibility, use documentation o Check supply chains for service support exist o Specification – planning equipment for context

15 Assumptions in our context o Disposal channels available o Environment considered Mitigations for other contexts o Awareness-raising o Research disposal channels / mechanisms

16 Assumptions in our context o Knowledge available & desirable o Information leads to action o Information digestible Mitigations for other contexts o Appropriate information (can be acted on) o Robust training and support for data collection

17 Bedtime reading

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