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Introduction The Municipal Financial Management Act (MFMA), section 63(2)(a) requires that the entity must have an adequate management, accounting and.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction The Municipal Financial Management Act (MFMA), section 63(2)(a) requires that the entity must have an adequate management, accounting and."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction The Municipal Financial Management Act (MFMA), section 63(2)(a) requires that the entity must have an adequate management, accounting and information system in place which accounts for assets, delivering GRAP compliant results. The need to have an Asset Management System was hence identified and to fill this gap we have developed the Asset Manager System. Hence Fixed assets are in most instances the largest component on a municipality`s Annual Financial Statement, proper accounting for movement there-on is crucial. With experience in this field, we have learned that traditional spread sheets are a very dangerous tool to use. Data is in most cases displayed with exposed formula`s which can accidentally be changed, causing havoc. Data can be lost easily. Inconsistency in formula`s between spread sheets. Inconsistency in spread sheet layout. Verification of assets is a major problem as it is mostly done on devices or even on paper, and cannot be linked properly and quickly to the FAR.

3 Purpose & Achievements In 2014 the System was introduced in Lekwa Local Municipality (Clean Audit) and Joe Morolong Local Municipality (Qualification, with positive comments on System from AG). In 2015 the System was introduced as a solution by National Treasury through the GTAC unit as part of the Municipal improvement programme phase ii (Tender process) Thembelihle local municipality (unqualified on assets) Moqhaka local municipality – unqualified on assets Victor Khanye local municipality – qualification Ugu district municipality – unqualified on assets In 2016, through a reappointment on the Municipal improvement programme phase II uMkhanyakude district municipality Amajuba district municipality Elias Motsoaledi local municipality Mafube local municipality Key focus 2016, mSCOA integration to Financial management systems – deadline 1 July 2017

4 Advantages of implementing the MD Systems An asset data base with protected formulas Automated calculations Easy and secure access to data Uniform layout Data that is securely saved to the cloud Easy data export ability Exception Reports (E.g.: Zero Carry Value) Addition, disposal, impairment wizards Notes and annexure to AFS auto generated Minimum AG exceptions on assets Reconciliation between closing and opening balances is possible. This enables the AG to audit.

5 Transactional Layout Transactions used by the system to track the life of an asset.

6 Main Layout & Concepts Familiar Microsoft ribbon layout as found in Microsoft office suits for easy use

7 Summary View

8 This module allows the following: 1.Detailed information for each project individually. 2.Information is displayed per project and per supplier. 3.New project and supplier detail is added via wizards which ensures completeness, including supporting documentation. 4.Transaction details (Invoices) with retention are added via the “Add item” wizard. 5.The system will calculate the commitment on year end (under final development). 6.The transfer of unbundled assets to the FAR will be indicated, therefore the WIP register will only show WIP on year end..


10 Main Overview Dashboard

11 Main Menus Simple navigation menu structure for an easy user interface

12 RFI’s Capture and track Requests for information during the audit process

13 Findings Track and add findings Track and add responses Attachments Easy sorting / Filtering Export ability

14 Recovery Plan Per Finding generate task and track completion Attachments per task movement

15 OUR FOOTPRINT ClientDescription of Work Balfour local municipality ( sub - Ditsibi)Asset verification Saldanah bay local municipality ( sub - MunMap)Register update Maluti a Phofung local municipalityRecompilation of infrastructure asset register Ngwathe local municipality ( sub -Deloitte Consulting)Recompalation of infrastructure asset register Maluti a Phofung local municipalityVerification and additions - infrastructure register Aganang local municipality ( sub -TAT iChain)Additions and impairment - infrastructure register Msukaligwa local municipality ( sub -Altimax)Recompilation of infrastructure asset register Chief Albert Luthuli local municipality ( sub -Altimax)Verification and additions - infrastructure register Nxuba local municipality ( sub -Altimax)Verification and additions - infrastructure register Emakhazeni local municipality ( sub -Altimax)Additions - infrastructure register Govan Mbeki local municipality ( sub -Altimax)Landfill rehabilitation reports Moretele local municipality ( sub -Altimax)Landfill rehabilitation reports Sondagsrivier local municipality ( sub -Altimax)Landfill rehabilitation reports Emnambethi local municipality ( sub -Dollon Court Investments)Verification and additions - infrastructure register Metsimoholo local municipality ( sub -Altimax)Landfill rehabilitation reports Tzaneen local municipality ( sub - Deloitte Consulting)Asset verification and additions updating Matjhabeng local municipalityComplete reconstruction of asset register Pixley Ka Isaka Seme local municipality ( sub -Involve Consulting)Asset verification and take-on Naledi local municipality ( sub -Altimax)Additions componentisation and surveying Inxuba Yethemba local municipality ( sub -Altimax)Additions componentisation and surveying Maluti a Phofung local municipalityAdditions, property register, updating of asset register Gamagara Local MunicipalityAdditions, verifications and Asset Management System Joe Morolong Local MunicipalityAsset Management System Victor Khanye Local MunicipalityAdditions, verifications and Asset Management System Ugu District MunicipalityAdditions, verifications and Asset Management System Thembelihle Local MunicipalityReconstruction and Asset Management System Moqhaka Local MunicipalityReconstruction and Asset Management System uMkahnyakude district municipalityAdditions, verifications and Asset Management System Amajuba district municipalityAdditions, verifications and Asset Management System Elias Motsoaledi local municipalityAdditions, verifications and Asset Management System Mafube local municipalityAdditions, verifications and Asset Management System

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