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What are my beliefs, what guides my teaching practice? "The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding." – Leonardo da Vinci.

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Presentation on theme: "What are my beliefs, what guides my teaching practice? "The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding." – Leonardo da Vinci."— Presentation transcript:

1 What are my beliefs, what guides my teaching practice? "The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding." – Leonardo da Vinci

2  Personal Characteristics and Qualities  Communication Style  Knowledge of Differentiated Instruction  Motivational Strategies  Instructional Design

3 My Credentials  Masters in Art Education, FSU  National Board Certified  AP Art History  Cyberized – harnessing 21 st Century skills

4 Andrew Churches (2009)

5 Seek professional development to enhance knowledge and skills Learning Management System (LMS) Webinar software Presentation software File management Multimedia applications

6  Nurture positive relationships  Act Professional and friendly  Use Clear speech and writing skills  Promote partnering with students  Collaborate with colleagues  Listen and learn


8  Intro/technology overview  Collaborative small-group work  Advanced discussions  Project presentations  Guest Speakers  Q&A sessions  Model art critique dialogue Ragan (2007)

9 Seeking solutions  Customize and personalize learning activities  Seek services  Collaborate with parents

10  Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources  Utilize learning management system to monitor student mastery of goals

11  Stimulate through Art, Music and humor  Offer choices and multiple pathways  Create Flipped instruction  Discover student passions  Anticipate challenges


13 Anticipate challenges, surprises

14 Instructional Design Expert  Voicethread  Khan Academy   Collaboration  Social Media  Use of Jing, Prezi,, Skype, Drop Box & Diigo




18 Annenberg Learner. (2013). Art Through Time Retrieved from Churches, A. (2010). 21 st Century Pedagogy Retrieved from ESE Guidelines References Individual Educational Plan - 101 - District Wakulla Amended August 2010 Evergreen Education Group. (2012). Keeping Pace with K-12 Online & Blended Learning 2012. Figure 4 Keeping Pace with K - 12 Online Learning and Blended Learning (2012). Khan Academy (2013). Retrieved from Prensky, M. (2010). Teaching Digital Natives. Thousand Oaks. Ragan, L. (2007, August 28). Best Practices in Online Teaching - Pulling It All Together - Teaching Blended Learning Courses. Retrieved from the Connexions Web site: Cassie Tucker Florida State University

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