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On the Eve of Contact. Geography played the greatest role in differentiating the aboriginal peoples. GROUPINGS Lowlands: This refers to land in the south.

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Presentation on theme: "On the Eve of Contact. Geography played the greatest role in differentiating the aboriginal peoples. GROUPINGS Lowlands: This refers to land in the south."— Presentation transcript:

1 On the Eve of Contact

2 Geography played the greatest role in differentiating the aboriginal peoples. GROUPINGS Lowlands: This refers to land in the south where there were rolling hills and a temperate climate. They Aboriginal People planted and grew crops. They lived in long houses in fortified, log-palisade towns and tended large farm fields. Plains: This refers to central Canada where the landscape consisted of mostly grass. They lived a nomatic lifestyle and hunted bison. They invented the tepee which was easy to transport.

3 Geography played the greatest role in differentiating the aboriginal peoples. Woodlands: This refers to the Boreal Forests in Canada. They hunted marine and land animals and gathered plants. They invented birch bark canoes to find their way through the rivers. Pacific: On the Pacific Coast people depended on the sea for resources and built dams to catch fish. They settled permanently and developed a rich, artistic heritage.

4 Geography played the greatest role in differentiating the aboriginal peoples. Northern Subarctic: These people lived in a nomadic lifestyle and were hunters and gatherers. They created shelters that were covered in bark, called wigwams. Arctic: This was a very harsh environment to live in. They hunted both marine and land animals. They used snow as insulation in their igloo shelters.


6 Each culture developed in a way that was heavily influenced by, and best suited to, their natural environment. Regardless of their level of complexity, each nation recognized the importance of maintaining a balance between themselves, and their natural environment (subsistence living)

7 Political/Cultural Groupings Societal structure varied, from the small family to the advanced confederation of tribes. Tribes might get together for: - War - Hunting - Trade - Celebration

8 Then came the Europeans …

9 Who came to the Americas, and when did they come? 11 th Century – Vikings settled in Nfld. 15 th Century – Basques Fishermen (Nfld.) 15 th Century – Spain (S. & C. America) 15 th Century – England (NS or Nfld.) 16 th Century – NS, NB & Quebec 16 th Century – Netherlands & England (US)

10 Why Did They Make the Long & Dangerous Voyage? “For God, Gold & Glory!”

11 #1 The Fall of Constantinople (Istanbul) to the Muslims in 1452  This blocked the traditional trade route to the Far East (India and China) which was the source of luxury goods (spices, silk, etc.)  As it became evident that the Earth was round, explorers/traders sought a route to the Far East by going west.

12 #2 The Reformation  The western Christian Church was split into Protestant and Catholic.  This led to competition, hatred, and persecution.  Some sought status, others escape in the New World

13 #3 Staples It was soon discovered that the New World offered items needed in Europe, such as fish, fur, and timber.

14 #4 The New European Nations  Many modern European nations became solidified in this period. Whether it be for exploration, conquest or economic reasons, it became a part of national pride to extend one’s empire.

15 On page 28 in your text, read the quote by Columbus and answer the following: 1. What can we learn about the native population from this quote? 2. How do you think Columbus viewed these traits? Explain.

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