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Update EU – Moldova cooperation 26 th September 2013 EU Delegation to Moldova.

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Presentation on theme: "Update EU – Moldova cooperation 26 th September 2013 EU Delegation to Moldova."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update EU – Moldova cooperation 26 th September 2013 EU Delegation to Moldova

2 Index Background information Budget Sector Programme Support Neighbourhood Investment Facility CiB Twinning Civil Society Programming 2014-2020

3 Background information Association Agreement and DCFTA. Road to Vilnius summit (November 2013) On-going assistance packages EU-Moldova Programming for 2014-2020

4 Budget Sector Support Programes Social Assistance (closed) Health Water Supply Economic Stimulation on Rural Areas Reform to the Energy Sector Justice (soon into force) Pipeline Vocational and Education Training Visa Liberalisation Plan

5 Neighbourhood Investment Facility (ongoing) In Million EURO Project TitleIFI Total costNIF Water Utilities Development Programme in the Republic of MoldovaEIB+EBRD31.510 Moldova Road-Rehabilitation Project – Phase IIEIB+EBRD92.512 Moldova Road-Rehabilitation Project – Phase IIIEIB+EBRD181.216.2 Support to rehabilitation of the existing internal power transmission network of MoldelectricaEIB+EBRD39.38 Filiere du Vin UpgradingEIB772 Balti Trolley BusEBRD4.61.6 2nd Phase of the Moldova Sustainable Energy Efficiency Finance Facility (MoSEFF2)EBRD224.7 Moldovan Residential Energy Efficiency Financing Facility (MoREEFF)EBRD255 TOTAL 473.159.5

6 Comprehensive Institution Building CIBNon CIB 20107 M EUR 20116 M EUR8 M EUR 2012Not ratified 17 M EUR Not ratified 13 M EUR

7 CIB Core Institutions Cluster 1: PARCluster 2: Rule of Law Cluster 3: DFCTA State ChancelleryMinistry of Internal Affairs Ministry of Economy Ministry of FinanceCentre for Combatting Economic Crimes and Corruption Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry Public Procurement Agency General Prosecutor’s Office National Agency for Protection of Competition State Agency for Intellectual Property National Agency for Food Safety

8 Twinnings StatusNameBudgetDuration On going (UK-LIT) Support to Moldova in the field of norms and standards in the field of food safety for plant origin products EUR 1,15 M18 On going (SWE-NED) Strengthening Public Finance Management in the Republic of Moldova EUR 1,5 M27 On going (UK) Support to the Main State Inspectorate for Market Surveillance, Metrology and Consumer Protection of the Republic of Moldova EUR 1 M21 On going (FRA) Capacity building in the process of regional development policy implementation, including Agencies of Regional Development Moldova. EUR 1,2 M21 On going (NED-SWE) Strengthening the Capacity of the Accreditation Centre in the field of the Conformity Assessment of Products of the Republic of Moldova EUR 1,1 M24 Contracting phase (FRA-SPA) Strengthening the Transplant Agency of the Republic of Moldova and support in legal approximation in the area of quality and safety of substances of human origin EUR 1,2 M24 Contracting phase (GER) Strengthening the Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in the Republic of Moldova EUR 1,1 M24 To be re- circulated Consolidation and strengthening the external public audit EUR 1.6 M24

9 Twinning pipeline Project titleIndicative timing for CfP Strengthening of the standards and metrology sector according to the best practice in the EU member states October 2013 Twinning Project for the Agency of Land Relations and Cadastre (ALRC) - Organization, Streamlining and Computerization Process in Mapping in the Republic of Moldova October 2013 Development and consolidation of the NCFM's operational and institutional capacities in the field of prudential regulation and supervision December 2013 / January 2014 Strengthening the NBM's capacity in the field of banking regulation and supervision in the context of Basel II requirements December 2013 / January 2014

10 Civil Society European Initiative for Democratisation and Human Rights – CfP opened. Confidence Building Measures Civil Society Forum (4-6 October)

11 Programming 2014-2020 Regular meetings with State Chancellery and other Beneficiaries. Cooperation with other development partners on targeted issues (specially Member States). Single Support Framework as a tool.

12 Thank you for your attention

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