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Partnering for Success: ILL & IT Lara Bushallow (Head, Systems Group) Jessica Bowdoin (Head, ILL) 16 July 2010 VIVA ILL Forum.

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Presentation on theme: "Partnering for Success: ILL & IT Lara Bushallow (Head, Systems Group) Jessica Bowdoin (Head, ILL) 16 July 2010 VIVA ILL Forum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnering for Success: ILL & IT Lara Bushallow (Head, Systems Group) Jessica Bowdoin (Head, ILL) 16 July 2010 VIVA ILL Forum

2 VGM’s ILL Office Staff Head of ILL & Document Delivery Borrowing Supervisor Lending Supervisor 2 Borrowing/Lending Assistants 2-4 student assistants ILL Office reports to Head, Access Services 1 ILL/CLS/DD person at both: Arlington and Prince William campuses

3 VGM’s IT Landscape Digital Programs and Systems Office serves the 4 libraries at George Mason 1 Associate University Librarian plus 8 staff members (4 librarians, 4 classified staff) DPS provides desktop support, runs many of our own servers, although ILLIAD is hosted offsite

4 ILL statistics, FY2010 Borrowing: –Copies: 3,581 –Loans: 3,102 –Total: 6,683 Lending: –Copies: 5,800 –Loans: 10,045 –Total: 15,845 Some Borrowing Cancels: –CLS: 658 –Reserve: 238 –Online: 877

5 CLS Statistics (FY2010) Borrowing: –Copies: 551 –Loans: 9,783 + 9,962 (walk-in) = 19,745 –Total: 20,296 Lending: –Copies: 1,655 –Loans: 28,331 + 1,094 (walk-in) = 29,425 –Total: 31,080

6 Document Delivery Statistics, FY2010 Document Delivery: –Copies: 1,042 –Loans: 3,436 –Total: 4,478

7 Implementing ILLiad’s DD module Initial meeting: determine what needs to be done and by whom Along the way: –ILL Office updated email templates, Word templates, created training PowerPoint presentations, trained other campuses, provided text/layout for web forms –Systems created web forms, tested them, posted them to server, installed software/hardware at other campuses to participate

8 ILLiad Shared Server Implementation Systems checked with OCLC for checklist of how it would impact VGM prior to date of implementation Down time Odyssey address change Folder changes on server impacting article receiving/viewing Error messages on Connection Manager with Odyssey

9 The problems kept coming... OCLC turned VGM off, and turned VGL on so we couldn’t connect to WRS through ILLiad Customization Manager changes not made by OCLC Failed initial ILLiad installation at VGL OCLC changed VGM’s email sent to customers at initial registration (should have been VGL’s) OCLC later changed email address notices are sent from (to VGL’s on VGM’s settings)

10 Lessons Learned Do know your environment Do ask for help; don’t demand Do know what you’re asking for and why Do try to speak the same language; reframe questions to ensure everyone understands Do be patient and teach along the way Don’t jump to conclusions

11 A Few More Tips Document procedures, policies, and decisions Be open to change Let people know they are appreciated and necessary

12 VGM ILL Office’s Hero:

13 Questions?

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