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Replacement Proposal Jason Huitt, ACNS November 15, 2011.

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1 Replacement Proposal Jason Huitt, ACNS November 15, 2011

2  SunRay thin clients deployed throughout campus  Initially proposed to UTFAB in March 2005 ◦ Approved for FY06 installed in Spring 2006 ◦ 50 units deployed initially, expanded to 76  Deployed by the College of Engineering ◦ ENS performed installation, manages server backend


4  Sun, now Oracle, no longer manufactures SunRay thin clients ◦ There is documented demand for additional units  Servers are at capacity, thin clients no longer available  Existing SunRay devices are showing their age ◦ SunRay remote display protocols are outdated ◦ Performance is subpar  ENS can’t enable eID logon on Kiosks ◦ Essential feature for Lory Student Center ◦ UTFAB formally requested this feature in 09-10

5  ACNS and the Library propose to replace all deployed SunRay thin clients with new thin clients running Windows 7 Embedded ◦ Domain-joined – managed by Group Policy ◦ Enables eID authentication ◦ Thin clients as opposed to PCs  Solid state – antivirus software not required  Browser only – no need for back-end hardware  Proven longevity – at least seven year lifespan  New thin clients are not all-in-one units ◦ New monitors will need to be purchased

6  Kiosk locations are compatible with replacement systems ◦ Power and networking currently sufficient  UTFAB assumes responsibility for deployed systems ◦ Previously, ENS expected colleges and departments to replace equipment and handle problems ◦ We propose that a student position be funded to perform installation and maintenance under that oversight of ACNS/Library and UTFAB

7  Flexibility – kiosks can be deployed as UTFAB sees fit depending on location ◦ eID authenticated kiosks can have full access to the web ◦ Non-authenticated kiosks can be restricted to on- campus web sites only

8  Kiosks ($455.50 x 80):$36,440  Wyse C90LE7: 1GHz, 4GB DoC, 2GB RAM  19” Monitors ($189 x 80):$15,120  HP Compaq LE1911i 19” LCD Monitor  Security Cables (if needed):$ 1,200  @ $15/kiosk  Part Time Student:$ 3,200  @ $10/hour x 20 hours/week x 16 weeks  ----------  Total:$55,960

9  December 2011 - Purchase Equipment  January 2012 – Hire Student  February through May – Deploy Equipment  March/April – Update Presentation to UTFAB ◦ Anticipate FY13, FY14, FY15 proposals to continue funding student position for administration of system, and potential expansion of kiosk locations

10  Below is the list prepared by ENS in 2009 of potential requests for new kiosk locations: ◦ 4 - Art (2 each: outside H101 and just inside the metals courtyard ) ◦ 1 - Clark A Wing Lounge (location totally ready for kiosk) ◦ 3 - Clark C Wing (Outside C145, similar to current kiosks, opposite end of hall) ◦ 8 - Eddy (Outside Eddy 212: 4 on each side of curve or all 8 centered on curve) ◦ 1 - Engineering second floor: Physics (location totally ready for kiosk) ◦ 2 - Engineering Research Center (main entry atrium) ◦ 3 - Glover (first floor, west entrance lobby) ◦ 3 – Housing: IHouse Lobby, UV office lobby, Aggie Village lobby ◦ 10 - Lory Student Center (exact location? is this number correct?) ◦ 2 - Natural Resources (just north of existing along the east wall) ◦ 1 - Shepardson first floor hallway (location totally ready for kiosk) ◦ 4 - Student Recreation Center: "Horsetooth Lounge" (location totally ready)

11 … are most welcome!

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