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Published byRalph Evans Modified over 8 years ago
Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Recognition of Foreign Qualifications and Implementation of the Lisbon Recognition Convention in Bosnia and Herzegovina Jelena Starcevic Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska Dženan Omanović Centre for Information and Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education Banja Luka/8 March 2016 Project number: 561874-EPP-1-2015-1-BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"
Constitution of BiH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education
Framework Law On Higher Education of B&H Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education determines the organization of the higher education in BH, the responsibility of the competent authorities, establishes the authorities in charge of implementing the Law, defines international obligations of BH, and the quality assurance methods in the area of higher education; doesn't stipulates the recognition of foreign higher education qualifications except the establishing of Center for Information and Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education of BH as the ENIC BH; Centre for Information and Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education (CIP) is BH ENIC centre. It is an autonomous public administrative institution, and it is competent for information and recognition in the area of higher education, under the scope of the Lisbon Recognition Convention; Although CIP is competent for information and recognition in the area of higher education, it doesn’t have legitimacy to issue legally binding decisions; CIP also represents BH in ENIC/NARIC network and international projects in the area of higher education.
Access to higher education Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education -Access to higher education is available to all those who have completed the four-year secondary education in BH; -Everyone has right to enroll; - Recognition of foreign credential that give access to higher education in BH is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, Federal Ministry of Education and Science, cantonal ministries in the Federation of BH and Department for Education in the Brčko District of BH.
Composition of the higher education in BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Higher education is organized in three cycles: - the first cycle leads to the academic title of completed graduate study (the degree of Bachelor) or an equivalent, acquired following at least three and no more than four years of regular studies after obtaining of the certificate on the completed high school, which is valuated with at least 180, that is, 240 ECTS credits; - the second cycle leads to the academic title of master or an equivalent, acquired following the completed graduate study, it lasts for one or two years, and it is valuated with 60 or 120 ECTS credits, and so that aggregately with the first cycle it carries 300 ECTS credits; - the third cycle leads to the academic title of doctor or an equivalent; it lasts for three years and is valuated with 180 ECTS credits; - one semester of studies carries 30 ECTS credits under each cycle; - the study of the medical group of sciences under the first cycle is excepted from the provisions and it is valuated with up to 360 ECTS credits.
Types of higher education institution Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education A)University: - HEIs involved in both lecturing and research work, offering academic degrees in all of the three cycles; - implements at least five various study programs from at least three scientific areas – natural sciences, engineering sciences, biomedicine and health, bioengineering sciences, social sciences and humanistic sciences. B) College - limited to the HEIs accredited to issue diplomas and degrees of the first cycle; - pertains to a higher education institution which implements at least one study programs from one scientific area;
Types of higher education institution Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Academic (at universities and colleges) 1.First level (Bachelor Degree/Honoured Bachelor Degree) 2.Second level (Master Degree/Specialist Degree) 3.Third Level (PhD Degree) Professional (at colleges) Only at first level
Recognition procedures – Republika Srpska Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Positive law: 1.Law оn Higher Education, 2010 (amended in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2015) 2.Rulebook of Commission for Information and Recognition of Foreign Higher Education Diplomas, 2014. – for professional recognition 3.Rulebooks of HEI – for academic recognition
Two types of procedures: Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Professional Recognition (for purpose of employment and other professional purposes) Responsible authority: Commission for Information and Recognition of Foreign HE Qualification (permanent body in ME) Academic Recognition (for purpose of continuation of higher education on graduate or postgraduate study programmes) Responsible authority: Higher Education Institutions
Professional Recognition Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Applicant submitt aplication form Secretary of the Commission is considering whether the application is complete The application is complete!!! Secretary of the Commission prepares the application for the session of the Comitee The Commission makes a decision: - Full recognition - Reject recognition The application is not complete: send an information to the applicant and ask for the additional documents If the applicant does not rectified, the request is rejected as incomplete. END OF PROCEDURE. Secretary of the Commission is ask for expert’s opinion (university teachers)
Rules of Professional Recognitions – in short Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Sessions are held once a month, if necessary more frequently; The Commission makes decisions at the meetings (average number of cases processed in one session of the Commission ranges from 10 to 15 items, depending on the complexity); Secretary of the Commission prepares the draft agenda and submit it to the members of the Commission not later than three days before the session;
Little more rules... Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education The deadline for elimination of deficiencies in the application: from 8 to 30-day deadline The deadline to provide expert opinion of external collaborators: from 8 to 15 days The deadline for issuing a decision: four months THE AVERAGE TIME TO DELIVER DECISION: ONE MONTH Costs in the process of recognition: 300,00KM + translations Documents needed: - the application form; - Diploma and diploma supplement (Diploma Supplement); - Transcript (where there is no Diploma Supplement); - Certificate of citizenship or proof of residence (for foreigners and stateless persons); - Copy of marriage certificate (in case of changed surname); - Summary of study program (curriculum); - Proof of fee payment; - Translation of all documents in the language of BiH; - A copy of Mr. or other work in electronic form (or a bound copy) NO NEED FOR TRANSLATION.
Recognition criteria Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education The educational system of the country where the FHEQ is obtained; Accreditation of higher education institution and study programme; Minimum level of education and type of qualifications that are necessary to access study program; Characteristics of the most important content of the study program such as length of study program, number and structure of the courses / modules, the number of acquired credits / loans, etc.); Academic achievements of the applicant; The rights arising from the sides of the FHEQ.
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 1. UNA SANA CANTON - Law on Nostrification and Equivalence of Foreign School Certificates (Official Gazette of the Una-Sana Canton, No. 23/11); - Roolbook on Nostrification and Equivalence of Foreign School Certificates (Official Gazette of the Una-Sana Canton, No. 15/12); - According to the Law, with the procedure of nostrification, certificates on completion of higher education, vocational or scientific degrees obtained are recognized as credentials obtained in this Canton as well as titles and other rights which certificates give. With the procedure of equivalence certificates of the period of education are recognized as credentails on completion of grades, years, semesters or passed subjects in this Canton for the purpose of further education; - Procedure of nostrification and equivalence of credentials of higher education, professional and academic degrees as well as credentails on completion of individual years, semesters or passed subjects is carried out by a corresponding faculty or academy of arts in the Una-Sana Canton or the University of Bihac if there is not the corresponding faculty or academy of arts.
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 1. UNA SANA CANTON - Evaluation criteria taking into account for nostrification and equivaence are the education system of the country of the origin, curriculum, length of study program, access requirements, rights which qualification gives in the country of the origin as weel as other information relevant for nostrification and equivalence; - If there is not a profession/title obtained abroad in the Una-Sana Canton, then some foreign education credential or periods of this education will be compared with a correlated credential and the corresponding title will be given; - If a curriculum differs significant than the curriculum in the Una-Sana Canton in the procedures of nostrification and equvalency, the decision is based on an obligation of taking additional exams or writing papers.
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 1. UNA SANA CANTON - Documentation required: original credential, three authorized copies of credentials, an authorized curriculum, the birth certificate and other documents which give information about higher education system of the country of origin; - Nostrification and equivalence is carried out by the Commission. The Commission is appointed by the University Senate and consists of 3 to 5 members; - 60 days as the deadline to complet the application; - Nostrification fees are 100 EUR while the equivalence fees are 50 EUR; - If the decision on nostrification or equivalency is against the applicant, the appeal can be submitted to the Minister of Education.
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 2 POSAVINA CANTON - Law on Nostrification and Equivalence of Education Credentials (Official Gazette of the Posavina Canton, No. 7/98); - Law on Amendments of the Law on Nostrification and Equivalence of Education Credentials (Official Gazette of the Posavina Canton, No. 2/08); - Term nostrification is related to the foreign credential, attesting completion of primary, secondary, vocational or higher education, which is given the equal legal power that is equal validity with the appropriate education credential obtained in BH. - Same definition of the term equivalency, the only difference is that the term nostrification is used for the professional recognition while the term equivalence is used for the academic recognition.
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 2 POSAVINA CANTON - Procedure of nostrification of higher education credentials is carried by Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Posavina Canton but before the final decision, the opinion is requested from the CIP; - Evaluation criteria taking into account for nostrification and equivaence are the education system othe country of the origin, curriculum, length of study program, other education requirements related to the qualification obtained, rights which qualification gives in the country of the origin and other relevant information; - If there are substantial differences, nostrification and equivalence will be conditioned by taking some additional exams determined by the Ministry; - Procedure is ended with the Decision on Nostrification or Equivalence; - 60 days as the deadline to complet the application; -Fees for each procedure are 35 EUR. - There is not right to appeal against the Decision. There is only a possibility to initiate a litigation at a cantonal court;
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3 TUZLA CANTON - Law on Recognition of Foreign Education Credentials (Official Gazette of the Tuzla Canton, No.11/11); - term recognition is related to the formal validation of a value of foreign education qualification by a competent body for the purpose of an access that is further education or for the purpose of an employment; - term academic recognition is related to the formal validation of achived education level, obtained knowledge, skills and competences of holder of qualification for the purpose of further education at an appropriate study program while the term professional recognition is related to the formal recognition of achived education level, obtained knowledge, skills and competences of holder of qualification for the purpose of an access to the labour market that is an employment
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3 TUZLA CANTON - Documentation required: original credential, translation of credentials, an authorized curriculum, the birth certificate and other documents (optional) which give information about higher education system of the country of origin; - Procedure is ended with the decision on academic and professional recognition, which is a conclusive administrative act; - 60 days as the deadline to complet the application; - Fees are 40 EUR for the procedure of professional recognition and 120 EUR at the University of Tuzla concerning the procedure of academic recognition; - There is not right to appeal against the Decision. There is only a possibility to initiate a litigation at a cantonal court.
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 4 ZENICA-DOBOJ CANTON - Article 156 of the Law on Higher Education (“Official Gazette of the Zenica-Doboj Canton” No. 6/09) stipulates that the provisions of the Law on Nostrification and Equivalence of Foreign School Certificates (Official Gazette of SR BH, No. 7/88) will be apply until a unique Framework Law on Recognition of Foreign Qualifications is adopted; - According to this “old“ Law, with the procedure of nostrification, certificates on completion of primary, secondary or higher education or scientific degree obtained abroad are recognized as domestic credentials or diplomas as well as titles and other rights which certificates or diplomas give. With the procedure of equivalence certificates of the period of education are recognized as credentails on completion of grades, years, semesters or passed subjects for the purpose of further education. - The procedure of nostrification and equivalence of credentials of higher education, professional and academic degrees as well as credentails on completion of individual years, semesters or passed subjects is carried out by a corresponding faculty or academy of arts. If there is not the corresponding faculty or academy of arts the procedure of nostrification and equivalence is carried out by a similar higher education institution. If there is not the similar higher education institution then the procedure of nostrification and equivalence is carried out by an Expert Commission appointed by the university
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 4 ZENICA-DOBOJ CANTON -Documentation required: original credential, translation of credential; -Evaluation criteria taking into account for nostrification and equivaence are the education system of the country of the origin, curriculum, length of study program, other education requirements related to the qualification obtained, rights which qualification gives in the country of the origin and other relevant information; - 60 days as the deadline to complet the application; -The costs are 125 EUR for the first cycle qualifications, 250 EUR for the second cycle qualifications and 750 EUR for the third cycle qualifications; -The applicant has right to appeal.
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 5 BOSNIAN-PODRINJE CANTON - Article 154 of the Law on Higher Education (“Official Gazette of the Bosnian-Podrinje Canton” No. 2/10) stipulates that the provisions of the Law on Nostrification and Equivalence of Foreign School Certificates (Official Gazette of SR BH, No. 7/88) will be apply until a unique Framework Law on Recognition of Foreign Qualifications is adopted; - Although this provision, the Bosnian-Podrinje Canton hasn’t still carried out the recognition.
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 6 CENTRAL BOSNIA CANTON - Law on Nostrification and Equivalence of Education Credentials (Official Gazette of the Central Bosnia Canton, No.10/02); - Term nostrification is related to the foreign credential, attesting completion of primary, secondary, undergraduate or postgraduate education, which is given the equal legal power that is equal validity with the appropriate education credential obtained in BH; - There is almost the same definition of the term „equivalency“ so that there is not a clear distinction between two of them. The only difference is that the term „nostrification“ is used for the professional recognition while the term „equivalence“ is used for the academic recognition;
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 6 CENTRAL BOSNIA CANTON - The procedure of nostrification and equivalence of higher education credentials is carried out by the Ministry but with an obligation of getting an opinion of the competent Faculty Council. - In practice, because this canton didn't have HEIs when the Law was adopted, the opinion had been requested from the University of Mostar. - In last few months, the opinion is usually requested from the ENIC BH. -Evaluation criteria, taking into account for nostrification and equivaence, are the education system of the country of the origin, curriculum, length of study program, other education requirements related to the qualification obtained, rights which qualification gives in the country of the origin as weel as other information relevant for nostrification and equivalence. - If there are substantial differences, nostrification and equivalence will be conditioned by taking some additional exams. These additional exams are determined by the Ministry.
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 6 CENTRAL BOSNIA CANTON - Documentation required: original credential, translation of credential; - Procedure is ended with the Decision on Nostrification or Equivalence; - 60 days as the deadline to complet the application; - Nostrification and equivalence fees are 75 EUR; - There is not right to appeal against the Decision. There is only a possibility to initiate a litigation at a cantonal court.
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 7 HERZEGOVINA-NERETVA CANTON - Law on Nostrification and Equivalence of Foreign Education Credentials (Official Gazette of the Herzegovina Neretva Canton, No.5/05); - The term nostrification is related to the foreign credential, attesting completion of education, which is given the equal legal power that is equal validity with the appropriate education credential obtained at an education institution in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton. - There is almost the same definition of the term „equivalency“ so that there is not a clear distinction between two of them. The only difference is that the term „nostrification“ is used for the professional recognition while the term „equivalence“ is used for both, the academic and professional recognition;
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 7 HERZEGOVINA NERETVA CANTON - The procedure of nostrification and equivalence of higher education credentials is carried out by the HEIs. - Evaluation criteria, taking into account for nostrification and equivaence, are the education system of the country of the origin, curriculum, length of study program, other education requirements related to the qualification obtained, rights which qualification gives in the country of the origin as weel as other information relevant for nostrification and equivalence. - If there are substantial differences, nostrification and equivalence will be conditioned by taking some additional exams.
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 7 HERZEGOVINA NERETVA CANTON - Documentation required: original credential, translation of credential, transcript, curriculum, other documents which give information about higher education system of the country of origin; - Procedure is ended with the Decision on Nostrification and Equivalence, which is a conclusive administrative act; - 60 days as the deadline to complet the application; - Fees for different procedures at different HEIs are from 100 to 750 EUR; - Appeal can be submitted to the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 8 WEST-HERZEGOVINA CANTON - Law on Nostrification and Equivalence of Foreign Education Credentials (Official Gazette of the West-Herzegovina Canton, No.6/99); -term nostrification is related to the foreign credential, attesting completion of education, which is given the equal legal power that is equal validity with the appropriate education credential obtained at an education institution in West-Herzegovina Canton; -There is almost the same definition of the term „equivalency“ so that there is not a clear distinction between these two terms. The only difference is that the term „nostrification“ is used for the professional recognition while the term „equivalence“ is used for both the academic and professional recognition..
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 8 WEST-HERZEGOVINA CANTON - The procedure is carried out by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the West-Herzegovina Canton but with an obligation of getting an opinion of the competent Faculty Council; - In practice, because this canton doesn't have HEI, the opinion was requested from the University of Mostar, the higher education institution located in another canton (Herzegovina – Neretva Canton); - The evaluation criteria, taking into account for nostrification and equivaence, are the education system of the country of the origin, curriculum, length of study program, other education requirements related to the qualification obtained, rights which qualification gives in the country of the origin as weel as other information relevant for nostrification and equivalence; - If there are substantial differences, nostrification and equivalence will be conditioned by taking some additional exams.
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 8 WEST-HERZEGOVINA CANTON - Documentation required: original credential, translation of credential; - Procedure is ended with the Decision on Nostrification or Equivalence; - 60 days as the deadline to complet the application; - Fees for each procedure are 55 EUR; - There is not right to appeal against the Decision. There is only a possibility to initiate a litigation at a cantonal court.
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 9 SARAJEVO CANTON - Law on Higher Education (Official Gazette of the Sarajevo Canton, No. 42/13); - Recognition procedures are stipulated by the Article 141-144 of this Law; - Term recognition of foreign higher education qualification is related to the formal validation of the value of foreign higher education qualification that is periods of education, issued by a competent body for the purpose of an access to education or employment; - Term professional recognition is related to the recognition for the purpose of employment; - Term academic recognition is related to the recognition for the purpose of further education..
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 9 SARAJEVO CANTON - In proceeding the application for the purpose of employment, a holder of foreign qualification is determined concerning a level and type of study as well as an academic that is scientific title without comparing curricula; - In proceeding the academic recognition, the evaluation of foreign curricula is done and with that determined the right for further education at HEIs in the Sarajevo Canton. In proceeding the academic recognition the evaluation and comparasion are done based on documentation and procedures established closer by the statut of higher education institution. If a specific foreign curriculum is evaluated positively, this evaluation is used for all following cases; - The professional recognition is done by universites and higher schools; - The academic recognition is carried out by universities, that is faculties and academies as well as higher schools. The recognition procedure is established closer by the Roolbook issued by the Senat of higher education institution and approved by the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Sarajevo Canton.
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 9 SARAJEVO CANTON - Documentation required: stipulated by the HEIs’ Rulebooks on Recognition; - Procedure is ended with the Decision on Recognition; - 60 days as the deadline to complet the application; - Fees are 100 EUR for the procedure of professional recognition and from 200 to 300 EUR concerning the procedure of academic recognition; - The appeal can be only submitted to the faculty or academy if there is an academic recognition and multidisciplinary curriculum. In other cases, the provision concerning the right to appeal is not stipulated so that, in practice, there are different explanation and use of this provision by different HEIs in the Sarajevo Canton.
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 10 CANTON 10 - Law on Nostrification and Equivalence of Education Credentials, Official Gazette of the Canton 10, No. 11/06); - The term nostrification is related to the foreign credential, attesting completion of education, which is given the equal legal power that is equal validity with the appropriate education credential obtained at an education institution in Canton 10. - There is almost the same definition of the term „equivalency“ so that there is not a clear distinction between these two terms. The only difference is that the term „nostrification“ is used for the professional recognition while the term equivalence is used for both the academic and professional recognition - The procedure of nostrification and equivalence of vocational and higher education credentials is carried by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Canton 10 but with an obligation of getting an opinion of the competent body of an appropriate Faculty of the University of Mostar..
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 10 CANTON 10 - Education credentials obtained at the universities in the Republic of Croatia are equalized with education credentials obtained at the University of Mostar so that the nostrification and equivalence procedures are carried out without the obligation of getting an opinion of the competent body of an appropriate Faculty of the University of Mostar. -If a specific foreign curriculum is evaluated positively, this evaluation is used for all following cases; -The evaluation criteria, taking into account for nostrification and equivaence, are the education system of the country of the origin, curriculum, length of study program, other education requirements related to the qualification obtained, rights which qualification gives in the country of the origin as well as other information relevant for nostrification and equivalence; -If there are substantial differences, nostrification and equivalence will be conditioned by taking some additional exams;
Recognition procedures – Federation of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 10 CANTON 10 - Documentation required: original credential, translation of credential, other relevant proofs (if necessary); - Procedure is ended with the Decision on Nostrification or Equivalence; - 60 days as the deadline to complet the application; - Fees for each procedure are 100 EUR; - There is not right to appeal against the Decision. There is only a possibility to initiate a litigation at a cantonal court.
Recognition procedures – Brčko District of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education - Law on Recognition of Foreign Higher Education Qualifications in the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of the Brčko District of BH, No. 02/15); - The subject of evaluation and recognition are education credentials on initiated or completed education abroad which holder of qualification enables an access to assessment of achived level of education, for the purpose of further education or employment; - The academic recognition of foreign higher education qualifications and periods of study is carried out by licensed higher education instiutions in the Brčko District of BH; - The professional recognition is carried out by the Commission for Recognition of Documents in Higher Education appointed by the Government of the Brčko District of BH for the period of 4 years..
Recognition procedures – Brčko District of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education - Evaluation criteria, taking into account for recognition, are the education system of the country of the origin, an accreditation of higher education institution at which higher education qualification was obtained, access requirements to the study program, the content of curriculum, length of study program, ECTS credits, academic achivements, the rights which qualification gives in the country of origin, etc; - Evaluation and recognition of foreign higher education qualifications is carried out based on knowledge, skills and competences of the holder of qualification in order to determine a type and level of study program in BH which corresponds to the type and level of study program which led to higher education qualification; - Foreign higher education qualification is granted until the substantial differences can be demonstrated between the qualification for which recognition is requested and the relevant qualification in BH; - If a specific foreign higher education qualification is evaluated positively, this evaluation is used for all following cases of recognition under the same conditions;
Recognition procedures – Brčko District of BH Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education - Evaluation criteria, taking into account for recognition, are the education system of the country of the origin, an accreditation of higher education institution at which higher education qualification was obtained, access requirements to the study program, the content of curriculum, length of study program, ECTS credits, academic achivements, the rights which qualification gives in the country of origin, etc; - The procedure is ended with the Decision on Recognition of Foreign Higher Education Qualification; - There is not right to appeal against the Decision on Recognition of Foreign Higher Education Qualification. There is only a possibility to initiate a litigation at a court of the Brčko District of BH; - The applicant is exempt from paying fees in the procedure of evaluation and recognition of foreign higher education qualification.
OBSTACLES, PROBLEMS.... Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Comparability between foreign HEQ and domestic HEQ (lack of Qualifications Framework for Higher Education) Diversity of rules and procedures throughout B&H Nostrification vs. Recognition No communication between authorities (risk of multiple application for the same foreign HEQ of the same person) High fees....
GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education - It is urgent for all authorities to harmonize their regulations with LRC; - Term "nostrification" should be phased out because it is directly opposite to the LRC; - Recognition procedures should be transparent, simplified with clear steps, documents, criterias, responsibilities and rights; - Recognition rules and procedures should be available to applicants (most preferable on the web page of the recognition bodies); - Foreign qualifications shall be recognized unless there is a substantial difference; - Recognition fees shouldn't be higher than the real costs for carrying out recognition procedures; - The right to appeal against the decision shoud be guaranteed for all applicants.
...and finally.... Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education END THANK YOU
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