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Selling and Negotiation Skills

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Presentation on theme: "Selling and Negotiation Skills"— Presentation transcript:

1 Selling and Negotiation Skills

2 Selling Scenarios Superior Customers Client Peers Sales person
Office peer Subordinates

3 Selling to Customers What is gained Revenue Trust Goodwill Products
What is sold Whom to sell Products Services ( Information related) Concepts( Quality Techniques) Solutions Individuals Companies/ Buyer Teams What is gained Revenue Trust Goodwill Info

4 Selling to Subordinates
What is sold? Whom to sell Ideas Targets Tasks Jobs Careers The Department The Policies Direct subordinates Other subordinates What is gained Followers Leading teams This activity is called Motivation

5 Selling to Superiors (Immediate)
What is sold Whom to sell Oneself and one’s competency Trust Credibility Immediate superior Superior of a client or customer What is gained Promotion Position More responsibility Enhanced benefits and privileges This activity is also called Creating Faith (Sell an incentive scheme)

6 Selling to Superiors (very senior)
What is sold Whom to sell Your own very superior Higher Superior of a client or customer One’s competency Trust Credibility Ideas What is gained Visibility in the Co. Prestige More responsibility Enhanced benefits and privileges

7 Selling Ideas Ideas are proposal that will generate some visible benefits Bosses oppose it because they will be held responsible for its implementation

8 Selling Ideas-2 Technique is to reduce the risk
Implement it in small scale Show the successful implementation of Idea Get top management support. Eg: Sales force automation- an idea that will improve efficiency in Sales

9 Selling to Peers

10 Selling to Peers Credibility Cooperation Oneself and one’s status
What to sell Whom to sell Credibility Cooperation Oneself and one’s status Faith and Trust Besides the Company’s products and services Your own peers Your clients peers In the case of Complex Systems- Stakeholders who are non technical.

11 What is Peer to Peer selling
A Kid selling his things to another Kid ( A peer is someone who is your equal. Eg., Two customers are peers; Another member of your own team is your peer, people of the same rank, social standing, etc

12 Selling Sales persons need to add more than just
Discover ( the problem and “Pain”) Present ( the Solution, Benefit) Price The Sales person needs to be credible also

13 Selling to Non technical Buyers
Sales Person must convert: Operational features and Functionality Benefits Selling an sport kit A compelling Value Proposition Selling health club subscription

14 Characteristic of a Peer
A Peer has all the information beforehand Sales person will not provide information that is neutral The Sales Person has to correct this perception of the Peer

15 Sales Process to follow
Information: Related to Product features, generic benefits, and proper use of the product. Confirmation: Customer has a desire to check validity of the claim Verification; A product will do the job that it promises to do

16 Information The Sales Person must ensure that the Peer has information
- Provided by the Right source Presented in the Right order Is Relevant to the Customer Is presented in the context in which the customer is RECEPTIVE Is CREDIBLE and authentic

17 How people seek objective experience
Thru Direct experience with Product Experience of Peers of the Customers Experts experience Scientific Journals and Literature Independent rating and Opinions

18 Some Techniques Word of Mouth: This is a powerful method which a salesman can use to influence customers using his peers. References are given, the customer is asked to refer to them In Industrial Selling Customer Companies regularly insist on successful executions

19 Some selling Techniques
Peer group meetings: The sales person calls a group of prospects and also people who have used the company’s products and conduct a panel discussion. Successful Users share their experiences. Common to Pharma selling

20 Some Techniques Free Trials and Demonstrations
Auto Industry: Test drives, demo cars

21 Selling and Negotiation Skills
Important selling skills

22 Myths of Selling Myths about selling
Myths of selling: There are various myths about selling process which needs to be cleared for a sales person. Buyers are liars Anyone can be persuaded to buy In buying decision, price is the primary reasons A technique that works well for one person will work for everyone Close the sales as soon as possible The deal can be closed at any price Cont….

23 Critical Selling skills
Managing the Buyer/Seller Relationship Sales Call Planning Sales Questioning Skills Sales Presentation Skills Gaining Commitment

24 Critical Selling Skills

25 Buyer Seller Relationships
All customers make Five Sequential Buying Decisions. These decisions are usually made in the following order. Salesperson Product Company Price Time to Buy


27 5 Buying Questions Am I buying from the right Sales person?
Am I buying from the right Company? Am I buying the product that meets my needs? Is the Price right? Is it the right time to buy?

28 Customers don’t buy---
Fact: 82% of sellers are out-of-sync with the buyer. Customers will find reasons not to buy when your presentation is out of sync with their buying decisions. Customer's resistance - could be due to the sequence of presentation.

29 Customer’s Buying Decisions
Customers will find reasons not to buy when your presentation is out of sync with their buying decisions. To increase your chances of sales success, you must sequence your sales presentation to follow each decision your customer is making. When you do, you'll sell the customer on each buying decision. This is exactly how professional salespeople orchestrate their sales calls.

30 Sales Call Planning

31 Commitment Objective "A goal we set for ourselves to gain agreement from our customer that moves the sales process forward."


33 Open Ended questions Ask open-ended questions that begin with "What", "How", and "Why". For example: "What have you used in the past?" "How was it implemented?" "Why did you decide on that?" The objective is to discover which problem does the customer face and the urgency of the problem

34 Leverage Questions Ask a leverage question to confirm your hunch and clarify the situation. For example: "How has this problem affected you and your company?" "What are the consequences if this problem continues?" "How are your customers affected?"

35 FACT: 95% of Salespeople Talk Too Much and Listen Too Little
Presentation skills FACT: 95% of Salespeople Talk Too Much and Listen Too Little

36 Sales Presentation The sales presentation is focused on specific, high-priority needs and is given when the customer is ready to hear it - after trust and rapport has been established.

37 Commitment FACT: 62% of Salespeople Fail to Ask for Commitment

38 The Commitment Objective
Your Commitment Objective must be something you want the customer to agree to do. The Commitment Objective is not always to "get an order". 

39 Asking for commitment The commitment must be for something that will move the sales process forward and bring you closer to the ultimate goal. You must not only plan to gain such a commitment, you must ask for it - in every call you make.

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