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Crime and Punishment in Medieval times Are the following statements true or false?

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Presentation on theme: "Crime and Punishment in Medieval times Are the following statements true or false?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Crime and Punishment in Medieval times Are the following statements true or false?

2 A villein is a person who has committed a crime.

3 You could choose whether you attended Manorial Court

4 You could join a tithing at the age of ten.

5 The hue and cry was when all villagers had to come and help catch a criminal.

6 Tithings were groups of ten peasants who would look after each other and make sure fines were paid.

7 Trial by ordeal was very fair

8 Medieval juries had twelve people on them and this is different from today

9 Medieval punishments were harsher than punishments today

10 Medieval people had no proper system of justice

11 You couldn't get justice in the Middle Ages

12 The Feudal system meant the King had ultimate control over everyone in Britain.

13 The premise of a film is the fundamental concept that drives the plot. Most premises can be expressed very simply, and many films can be identified simply from a short sentence describing the premise. For example: A lonely boy is befriended by an alien; A small town is terrorised by a shark; A boy sees dead people etc. A tagline is a variant of a branding slogan used in marketing. The idea behind the concept is to create a memorable phrase that will sum up the tone and premise of a brand or product (like a film), or to reinforce the audience's memory of a product. Some taglines are successful enough to warrant inclusion in popular culture, often becoming snowclones

14 Tagline: The Toys Are Back In Town. Synopsis: As six-year-old Andy's favorite toy, Woody (Tom Hanks) is confident in his role as room leader. But when Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen) crash- lands into Woody's world as Andy's most important birthday present, a rivalry is created that lands the duo inside the home of Sid - the toy- torturing boy next door. As Woody and Buzz work together to escape, they realize they've got the perfect friend … in each other!


16 Make your own film poster Your own tagline Who will star in it? What interpretation of the quarrel will your film adopt? What is the premise of the film? Write a 30 second pitch for your film.

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