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Current status of the JINR Central Information and Computing Complex (CICC) and its user service V.V. Ivanov Laboratory of Information Technologies, JINR.

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Presentation on theme: "Current status of the JINR Central Information and Computing Complex (CICC) and its user service V.V. Ivanov Laboratory of Information Technologies, JINR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current status of the JINR Central Information and Computing Complex (CICC) and its user service V.V. Ivanov Laboratory of Information Technologies, JINR Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics 29th meeting, 10–11 June 2008

2 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) Strategic items of LIT activity within JINR Roadmap A well developed, corresponding to the nowadays requirements, telecommunication, networking, and computing infrastructure A well developed, corresponding to the nowadays requirements, telecommunication, networking, and computing infrastructure The data analysis will require massive distributed CPU power with huge data storage facilities connected together through high bandwidth links, as well as new mathematical methods for extracting insightful information from the experimental data. The data analysis will require massive distributed CPU power with huge data storage facilities connected together through high bandwidth links, as well as new mathematical methods for extracting insightful information from the experimental data. The home made implementations of open software, together with their quality assessment through specific validation procedures, are cornerstones of an activity devoted to the minimization of the financial effort. This is particularly important for successful realization of JINR new home projects and participation of JINR in future large scale projects such as FAIR complex, Super-LHC, International Linear Collider (ILC), etc. The home made implementations of open software, together with their quality assessment through specific validation procedures, are cornerstones of an activity devoted to the minimization of the financial effort. This is particularly important for successful realization of JINR new home projects and participation of JINR in future large scale projects such as FAIR complex, Super-LHC, International Linear Collider (ILC), etc. Training of high-skilled IT specialists: Training of high-skilled IT specialists: - users training and support; - users training and support; - on the LIT basis 2 MIREA chairs and 1 chair of Dubna University are working; - on the LIT basis 2 MIREA chairs and 1 chair of Dubna University are working; - students specialization, preparation of diploma and master theses; - students specialization, preparation of diploma and master theses; - preparation of PhD theses; - preparation of PhD theses; - organization of dedicated periodic Schools, Conferences, Workshops, and tutorials - organization of dedicated periodic Schools, Conferences, Workshops, and tutorials

3 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) Central Information and Computing Complex ( JINR Central Information and Computing Complex (CICC) Development of JINR CICC and Grid segment in accordance with experiments requirements Development of JINR CICC and Grid segment in accordance with experiments requirements Raising of the computing cluster performance Raising of the computing cluster performance Raising of the disk storage system Raising of the disk storage system Creation of the data storage system of Active tape type Creation of the data storage system of Active tape type Upgrade of the local CICC network up to 10 Gbps Upgrade of the local CICC network up to 10 Gbps Development of the servers maintaining the JINR Grid segment and computing cluster Development of the servers maintaining the JINR Grid segment and computing cluster Development and modernization of the servers of the JINR information structure and the general storage system (dCachе, WEB, database servers) Development and modernization of the servers of the JINR information structure and the general storage system (dCachе, WEB, database servers)

4 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) Central Information and Computing Complex Performance Performance Disc storage capacity and data management Disc storage capacity and data management CICC backbone network CICC backbone network Power supply and climate control Power supply and climate control Software (OS + Program Library) Software (OS + Program Library) WLCG support WLCG support User support and training User support and training Monitoring and statistics Monitoring and statistics

5 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) Central Information and Computing Complex In 2007, total CICC performance was 670 kSI2K, the disk storage capacity 100 TB At present, the CICC performance equals 1400 kSI2K and the disk storage capacity 100 TB 200820092010 CPU (kSI2K) 125017502500 Disk (TB) 4008001200 Tapes (TB) -100200 SuperBlade – 4 BOX 80 CPU Xenon 5430 2.66 GHz Quad Core (one with InfiniBand) Main task on 2008 – increasing disk storage capacity The unit of computing power 1 kSI2k corresponds to 1 core of Intel Xenon 2.8 GHz processor

6 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) June 2007, the CICC resources and services have been integrated into a unified information and computing structure SL4/32 Int/UI - Interactive nodes/User Interface at 32-bit architecture with SL4, SL4/64 Int/UI - Interactive nodes/User Interface at 64-bit architecture with SL4, gLite-WMS - Workload Management System, gLite-LB - Logging and Bookkeeping, LCG-CE - LCG Computing Elements, WN - Worker Nodes, X509 PX - Proxy, VObox - special node where experiments (ALICE, CMS, etc.) or Virtual organizations (VO) can run specific agents and services to provide a reliable mechanism to accomplish various tasks specific for VO, AFS - AFS servers, dCache - dCache servers

7 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) CICC Backbone Network In order to provide the required throughput WN↔dCache, the essential reconfiguration of the CICC local network has been performed so currently it can fully serve the needs of LHC experiments and local users. In the future, transition to 10GbE is planned taking into account increase of the share of data analysis and increase of the WN↔dCache traffic.

8 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) CICC comprises: 65 servers 4 interactive nodes 60 4-core computing nodes, Xeon 5150, 8GB RAM. 30 8-core, Xenon E5430, 16GB RAM 10 8-core, Xenon X5450, 16GB RAM, InfiniBand. Site name: JINR-LCG2 Internal CICC network – 1Gbit/sec Operating system - Scientific Linux CERN 4.6; Middleware version GLITE-3.1 File Systems – AFS (the Andrew File System) for user Software and home directories is a world-wide distributed file system. AFS permits to share easily files in an heterogeneous distributed environment (UNIXes, NT) with a unique authentication scheme (Kerberos). dCache- for data User registration System – Kerberos 5 ( AFS use Kerberos 5 for authentication )

9 Development and maintenance of general and special-purpose program libraries

10 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) 594 Registered users Total registered 17 experiments Special groups for COMPASS (8), NA48(1), HERA-B(1), ATLAS(77), CMS(31), ALICE(28), LHCb, HARP(9), COMPASS, DIRAC(7), D0(3), NEMO(7), OPERA(4), STAR(2), KLOD(1), FOTON-2(3), PANDA Statistics by Laboratories and groups (Jan-Мау 2008, Jobs number, batch mode)

11 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) CPU time Jobs Statistics by Laboratories and experiments (Jan-Мау 2008, CPU time, Jobs number, batch mode)

12 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) GRID USERS CPU TIME JOBS Statistics by Grid Virtual organizations (Jan-Мау 2008, CPU time, Jobs number, batch mode) Jan – May, 2008 Local jobs: 15777 Local CPU time: 636928,34 Grid-jobs: 166072 Grid CPU time: 465551,6

13 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) LHC computing- WLCG One of the main tasks of the LHC computing support is to fulfil the collaboration requirements concerning: software environment, storage system configuration, external communications (network bandwidth and reliability of data transfers).

14 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) RDIG monitoring&accounting Monitored values CPUs - total /working / down/ free / busy Jobs - running / waiting Storage space - used / available Network - Available bandwidth Accounting values Number of submitted jobs Used CPU time Totally sum in seconds Normalized (with WNs productivity) Average time per job Waiting time Totally sum in seconds Average ratio waiting/used CPU time per job Physical memory Average per job JINR CICC

15 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) JINR-LCG2 in RDIG January – May 2008 JINR - 41% of total RDIG CPU time

16 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) EGEE SITES: LHC VOs (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb) Normalised CPU time by SITE January 2008 - May 2008 1. CERN-PROD 4 119 933 2. IN2P3-CC-T2 3 613 948 3. FZK-LCG2 3 335 717 4. IN2P3-CC 2 978 572 5. GRIF 2 360 401 6. RAL-LCG2 2 210 197 7. INFN-T1 1 738 766 8. TOKIO-LCG2 1 301 664 9. RWTH-Aachen 1 227 404 10. INFN-PISA 1 192 857 11. UKI-NORTHGRID-MAN-HEP 1 061 030 12. PIC 979 986 13. CYFRONET 946 892 14. NIKHEF-ELPROD 924 159 15. JINR-LCG2 836 219 Statistics obtained from the EGEE Accounting Portal:

17 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) Further participation in the WLCG project Support and development of the JINR WLCG-segment in frames of global WLCG infrastructure; Support and development of the JINR WLCG-segment in frames of global WLCG infrastructure; Participation in Service/Data Challenges in coordination with LHC experiments; Participation in Service/Data Challenges in coordination with LHC experiments; WLCG middleware testing/evaluation; WLCG middleware testing/evaluation; Grid-monitoring the LCG-infrastructure at JINR and other sites of the Russian Tier2 cluster; Grid-monitoring the LCG-infrastructure at JINR and other sites of the Russian Tier2 cluster; Evaluation of new Grid technologies in context of their usage in WLCG; Evaluation of new Grid technologies in context of their usage in WLCG; MCDB development (data base structure; basic modules; MCDB development (data base structure; basic modules; Participation in ARDA activities in coordination with experiments; Participation in ARDA activities in coordination with experiments; JINR WLCG web-portal improvement; JINR WLCG web-portal improvement; User’s support to stimulate their active usage of WLCG resources (courses, lectures, trainings, publication of user guides in Russian); User’s support to stimulate their active usage of WLCG resources (courses, lectures, trainings, publication of user guides in Russian); Support of JINR member states in WLCG activities. Support of JINR member states in WLCG activities.

18 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) LHC software In 2007, the transfer to the 64-bit architecture under Scientific Linux 4 operating system has been accomplished at the CICC. The following current versions of the specialized software are installed at the JINR- LCG2 site (full information at : for ALICE - AliEn (v2-15.3), VO ALICE.AliRoot.v4-12-Rev-02, VO ALICE.GEANT3.v1-9-3, VO ALICE.ROOT.v5-19-02a; for ATLAS - VO-atlas-cloud-NL, VO-atlas-production(12.0.31, 12.0.5, 12.0.6, 13.0.20, 13.0.30,, …,, VO-atlas-tier-T2, VO-atlas-offline ; for CMS - VO-cms-CMSSW(1 6 0, 1 6 1,…,2_0_7); VO-cms slc3, VO-cms slc4 for LHCb - VO-lhcb-Gauss(v25r9 - v25r12), VO-lhcb-XmlDDDB(v22r2 and 30r14), VO-lhcb-Boole-v12r10, VO-lhcb-DaVinci(v17r6 - v17r8, v18r0 and v19r0 - v19r5), VOlhcb-Brunel(v30r15 and v30r17), VO-lhcb- DecFiles(v13r9, v13r10 and v13r12), VO-lhcb- ParamFiles(v5r0). Several versions of ALICE, ATLAS and CMS software are being also installed at the CICC locally at the AFS system.

19 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) As a result of testing the whole WLCG infrastructure of the CICC in the course of validation of Tier2 in CMS and participation in CCRC'08 ATLAS, several reconfigurations of the site have been performed. Installed were fresh versions of dCache and client server. At present, the site WLCG JINR successfully participates in CCRC'08 within ATLAS project and begins participating in this process within CMS. In early June we expect to participate in CCRC'08 CMS. As to ATLAS, it was over at the end of May. As a result of testing the whole WLCG infrastructure of the CICC in the course of validation of Tier2 in CMS and participation in CCRC'08 ATLAS, several reconfigurations of the site have been performed. Installed were fresh versions of dCache and client server. At present, the site WLCG JINR successfully participates in CCRC'08 within ATLAS project and begins participating in this process within CMS. In early June we expect to participate in CCRC'08 CMS. As to ATLAS, it was over at the end of May.

20 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) Storage System The dCache system was chosen instead of the Castor system to store enormous data volumes since it responds the best to the requirements of JINR as a Tier2 center in the WLCG hierarchy. Internet / GRID lxfs07 lxpub01 lxfs07 wn… lxfs07 lxfs71 RAID 82 TB Admin Doors local WNs JINR Backbone Protocols gFTP, SRM, XROOT DCAPPNFS lxfs07 rda02 Pools dCache originates in DESY and Fermi Lab, developments. Upgrade to dCache Version 1.8 is being done at present in JINR. Monitoring is being developed in LIT-JINR

21 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) Network bandwidth and reliability of data transfers The following LHC computing centers serve as Tier1 centers for RDIG: FZK (Karlsruhe) – for ALICE, SARA (Amsterdam) – for ATLAS, CERN – for CMS (CERN-PROD) and LHCb. The quality of the JINR – Tier1s connectivity is under close monitoring

22 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) JINR-FZK test of data transportation in 2007 JINR-FZK test of data transportation in 2007 FZK is ALICE T1 center for JINR

23 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) CICC USER SUPPORT CICC site at LIT home page ( CICC site at LIT home page (News, Questions & Suggestions, Registration, Statistics, AFS File System, dCache Manual, Safety in Network, Libraries, About Parallel Applications, User's Guide, Practical Recommendations, Contact)NewsQuestions & Suggestions, Registration, StatisticsAFS File SystemdCache ManualSafety in Network Libraries About Parallel ApplicationsUser's GuidePractical RecommendationsContact Conference for Users of JINR CICC (06.02.2008) Conference for Users of JINR CICC (06.02.2008) RDIG/WLCG infrastructure monitoring and accounting RDIG/WLCG infrastructure monitoring and accounting LHC/WLCG tutorials for users (ATLAS, CMS, ALICE) LHC/WLCG tutorials for users (ATLAS, CMS, ALICE) GridLab at LIT for tutorials GridLab at LIT for tutorials LIT Information Bulletin LIT Information Bulletin

24 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) Link to CICC site from LIT page on new JINR homepage

25 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR)

26 Attended 122 users

27 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR)

28 1.System administrators: Mitsyn Valery, Gromova Natalia, Tikhonenko Elena 2.Engineering service: Astakhov Nikolai 3.Program Libraries: CERN, Gromova N. JINRLIB, Sapozhnikova T. 4.LIT workplaces software support, PC virus protection: Radov A., Pervushov V. Stepanenko V. 5.FTP – server: Radov A. 6. Work with AFS, Data Management System: dCache, XROOTD: Trofimov V. 7.WWW – server: Kalmykova L., Davydova N. 8. Data Base, User registration in CICC MySQL Goloskokova T. 9.GNU; REDUCE Raportirenko A. 10.Parallel Processing Sapozhnikov A. 11.Network security problems Lavrentiev A. LHC experiments responsible ALICE Kutovskiy Nikolai CMS Tikhonenko Elena ATLAS Gromova Natalia LCG Mitsyn Valery, Belov Sergei

29 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR)

30 User Training and Induction User’s support to stimulate their active usage of LCG resources (courses, lectures, trainings, publication of user guides in Russian): Courses for LCG administrators and ALICE users from Russian and Ukrainian institutes (February 28- March 3, 2006); Courses for LCG administrators and ALICE users from Russian and Ukrainian institutes (February 28- March 3, 2006); LCG training for ATLAS users at JINR (May 15-19, 2006); LCG training for ATLAS users at JINR (May 15-19, 2006); Courses on gLite for participants of the international conference "Distributed computing and Grid technologies in science and education" (June 25-30, 2006). Courses on gLite for participants of the international conference "Distributed computing and Grid technologies in science and education" (June 25-30, 2006). Courses “CMS user analysis using EGEE/LCG infrastructure” - January 19, 2007. Lectures: CMS computing support at JINR: current status and plans; Short introduction to LCG/EGEE; CMS user jobs submission with the usage of ASAP. Practical part: Usage of ASAP ("private" user jobs and jobs needed an access to CMS data bases of simulated events) Courses “CMS user analysis using EGEE/LCG infrastructure” - January 19, 2007. Lectures: CMS computing support at JINR: current status and plans; Short introduction to LCG/EGEE; CMS user jobs submission with the usage of ASAP. Practical part: Usage of ASAP ("private" user jobs and jobs needed an access to CMS data bases of simulated events) Tutorial on distributed analysis of ATLAS data - April 19, 2007. Lectures: Main LCG commands and operations with files; Data analysis with GANGA and practical part. Tutorial on distributed analysis of ATLAS data - April 19, 2007. Lectures: Main LCG commands and operations with files; Data analysis with GANGA and practical part.

31 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) 17.04.2008 "Tutorial on distributed analysis of ATLAS data" (Dubna) "Tutorial on distributed analysis of ATLAS data"

32 3-rd International Conference "Distributed Computing and Grid-technologies in Science and Education“ will be held on 30 June – 4 July, 2008 98 reports at Deadline Special session on Grid application in industry and business

33 V.V.Ivanov (LIT, JINR) Thank you for your attention !

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