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Cortrell morntrez morgan He invented the electric light bulb in 1879. INVENTION.

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2 Cortrell morntrez morgan

3 He invented the electric light bulb in 1879. INVENTION

4 It was made in mid October 1879 WHEN WERE THE INVENTION MADE

5 He was born in Milan, Ohio on February the 11, 1847. WHERE IS THE INVENTOR FROM

6 He got his interest from his dad trying to invent. WHY DID THE INVENTOR DECIDE TO EXPLORE THIS AREA OF INTEREST

7 If he did not make the light bulb, we will be in the dark. HOW DID THE INVENTION INPACT THE WORLD AND ME PERSONALLY

8 Woodside, Martin. Thomas Edison: The Man Who Lit Up the World. New York: Sterling, 2007. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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